While RISC OS may now be regarded as a small, niche operating system, with only a tiny fraction of the number of users that more mainstream platforms attract, it does still have a surprisingly vibrant community – so with that in mind, every once in a while I look through a selection of news groups, mailing lists, and forums, looking for announcements that haven’t found their way to me via the RISCOSitory news inbox, and from those compile a ‘snippets’ post. Here, then, is the latest selection of news items…
Search Results for: Git Client
Show report: London 2021
30th October, 2021, marked the return to physical shows in the UK, when the RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) hosted their customary October event at the St Giles Hotel in Feltham – the RISC OS London Show. Understandably under the circumstances, there were fewer exhibitors than in previous years, as well as few visitors; it was a much quieter show than usual – but despite that, it was still an excellent day for finding out what’s happening in the RISC OS world. So what happened? What did we…
Snippets – 9th January, 2022
A roundup of 2021 news and releases not already covered on RISCOSitory With 2021 now behind us, the time has come for one final round up of news that hasn’t already found its way onto onto these pages – although this time, in fact, it’s the only round up of such news for 2021; for 2020, a snippets post appeared half way through the year and then another just after the year ended – but no earlier post has been compiled for 2021.
Snippets – 1st January, 2021
A final round up of 2020 news that hasn’t found its way to RISCOSitory before I was aiming to get this final round up of news posted on the last day of 2020, but as ever other things got in the way, so what was intended as the last post of 2020 has become the first post of 2021. Still, never mind, better late than never – which should probably be the official motto here in the RISCOSitory bunker!
Snippets – 31st December, 2019
With 2019 drawing to a close at the end of today, to be immediately followed by a year with the official designation of 2020, it’s time to round up a selection of news that hasn’t been covered on RISCOSitory over the course of the year.
Show report: London 2019
The 2019 RISC OS London Show took place on Saturday, 26th October – and once again (speaking as an exhibitor) seemed to be a buzzing, exciting show with plenty for the visitor to see and experience. It was the 11th London Show, with the first having taken place on 3rd October, 2009, and there was a good mix of exhibitors including large well known RISC OS names and smaller home-based operators. As well as many well known faces there were new ones as well, which is always welcome – and…
Messenger Pro goes “D’oh!” with new feature
R-Comp has made available a new version of Messenger Pro, a ‘point release’ that brings it up to version 8.01, and which is free to download from !Store for existing customers using version 8.
Prophet rises again
While in the world of Windows there is a great deal of software for businesses to choose from to look after their accounts, the choices on RISC OS are very limited in comparison. In recent years, the choices have become even more limited as the operating system (and underlying hardware) has moved on, and older software has become unsupported and is no longer updated by the original developers. One such package, however, has been given a new lease of life – Prophet, originally written by Quentin Pain of Apricote Studios…
Snippets – 26th August, 2016
Round up, round up; news in a very late style. (That was what China Crisis sang, wasn’t it?) The bunker has been engulfed in chaos for quite a while – with a heavy workload leading to a period of hectic and frantic headless chicken impersonations. On top of that, a partial change of platforms has been undertaken, with some work being migrated from Windows (grr, spit, hiss) to Linux – and being completely new to Linux, that has meant adding a bit of self-education into the mix, not to mention…
Snippets – 31st December, 2014
Because while no news is good news, some news is better. Or something. Keen eyed readers of RISCOSitory will no doubt have noticed that for the last couple of months they have in fact not been keen eyed readers of RISCOSitory at all. As is sometimes the case, the workload here at the Soft Rock Software office became somewhat hectic for a while – moreso, I think, than it’s ever been before – leaving no time for any updates to the site. And to cap that, a nasty bout of…