Advantages of newer hardware running RISC OS include much greater amounts of memory, and much faster processors – but a significant disadvantage for some is the inability to run older software.
Read MoreTag: Jon Abbott
Snippets – 31st December, 2019
With 2019 drawing to a close at the end of today, to be immediately followed by a year with the official designation of 2020, it’s time to round up a selection of news that hasn’t been covered on RISCOSitory over the course of the year.
Read MoreSnippets – 1st January, 2019
Although this is the first post for 2019, it’s also the last post of 2018! It’s once again time for a round up of new releases, updates, and so on, that have somehow not made it to these pages before, with a whole bunch of news snippets from 2018.
Read MoreNews nybble: Shout from the rooftops: pi-topUtils 1.04 now available
Or whisper. It’s your choice, and under your control! Jon Abbott, taking a break from making old games work via ADFFS as part of the Archimedes Software Preservation Project, has released a new version of pi-topUtils. The software provides things like a battery level indicator, screen dimming (which helps preserve battery life), automatic shutdown, and so on. The new version – 1.04, which is for the original pi-top only, not the pi-top2 – adds support for (and control of) the speaker in the Raspberry Pi-based laptop, initialising them and allowing…
Read MoreNews nybble: Wolf3D and Doom Trilogy updates
A new version of the Doom Trilogy is available from R-Comp through !Store – priced at £14.99, or available in ‘My Software’ as a free update if you have already purchased. If you have an aversion to purchasing through !Store, ‘over the counter’ at Wakefield is also an option. There have been some small improvements to Doom, the main game in the pack, but the headline feature is the inclusion of an updated and enhanced copy of Wolfenstein 3D, thanks to work done by Jon Abbott and internal RCI staff.…
Read MoreSnippets – 13th January, 2018
A round-up of 2017 news that could have been reported on at the time if people had only sent it this way! With 2017 now behind us, looking back over the RISCOSitory posts for the year might leave people thinking there has been very little activity in the RISC OS world – but in fact it merely means there have been very few posts on the site over the course of the year. This, sadly, is a reflection of the amount of news submitted to RISCOSitory by developers etc, more…
Read MoreSnippets – 12th February, 2017
A last minute round-up before the bunker is sealed off for a few days! Later today, the RISCOSitory/Soft Rock Software bunker will be sealed and secured shut while I disappear into the middle of nowhere for my annual mid-February break. Hopefully, there will be no kind of apocalyptic event while I’m away, so the bunker should be open for business again from next weekend. In the meantime, I’ve had a last minute catch-up on my reading, and found a few things worth mentioning in a final round-up before I set…
Read MoreJASPP gains the rights for more titles
Games from Artex, Eterna, Minerva and VOTI gain software E-numbers. Jon Abbott announced a week ago that the Archimedes Software Preservation Project now has an agreement with the former owners of Artex Software, Eterna, Minerva, and Visions of the Impossible (VOTI) to release their original Archimedes titles through the project.
Read MoreSnippets – 12th October, 2014
If news were a hot dog, this would be the ketchup. (Ketchup? Catch-up? Geddit? No? Ho hum – where’s my coat?) Here at the RISCOSitory/Soft Rock Software top secret underground bunker (whose entrance is cunningly disguised as a ramshackle shed) things have become somewhat busy positively hectic over the last couple of months, which has resulted in no news being posted to the site whatsoever for almost a month – not even in the ‘press release’ format whereby an announcement is simply quoted in full. So, in order to catch…
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