Also, you may or may not already know, but Ovation Pro is now free to download. RISCOSbits has launched a new initiative aimed at rewarding loyal RISC OS users for their continuing patronage by offering a discount on future purchases.
Read MoreTag: David Pilling
Snippets – 1st January, 2021
A final round up of 2020 news that hasn’t found its way to RISCOSitory before I was aiming to get this final round up of news posted on the last day of 2020, but as ever other things got in the way, so what was intended as the last post of 2020 has become the first post of 2021. Still, never mind, better late than never – which should probably be the official motto here in the RISCOSitory bunker!
Read MoreStrongHelp manual for Ovation Pro script language updated
Ovation Pro is a desktop publishing package written by David Pilling and originally sold by Beebug Ltd, and now by David himself, and one of the many features of the comprehensive application is an integrated script language.
Read MoreSnippets – 14th August, 2018
A round-up of news items found anywhere but the RISCOSitory news submission address! With time rarely being on my side, I’m always glad when people who release software or other resources for RISC OS, or who do anything else relevant to the platform let me know about it by sending their news to the email address made available for the purpose. However, there are still plenty who don’t send me their announcements, and that is the purpose of these ‘Snippets’ posts – so what follows is the result of me…
Read MoreDPlngScan updated and unleashed
New maintainer, new home, new very low price! Those in the world of RISC OS who possess long memories will know that there was a time when if you wanted to connect a scanner to your Acorn computer (because this was at a time when Acorn were still around, and the only suppliers of computers that ran RISC OS), there was a very good chance you’d be buying the necessary software from David Pilling.
Read MoreOvation Pro lands on Titanium and IGEPv5
A new version of desktop publishing application Ovation Pro has been released by David Pilling. The update to version 2.77z enables the software to work on the Titanium and IGEPv5 platforms, on which screen memory has the red and blue bits swapped (compared with earlier RISC OS systems) in screen memory.
Read MoreSnapper now supports IGEPv5/Titanium
App can snap itself – no selfie stick required. Chris Johnson has released a new version of versatile screen-grab application Snapper (mirror). Originally developed by David Pilling and now further developed by Chris, the application allows you to grab more (or, in fact, less) than just the whole screen. It can also capture an area inside a user-defined bounding box, or it can snap the window under the mouse pointer, with or without the window furniture – and with or without the mouse pointer.
Read MoreSnippets – 28th November, 2015
With the end of November rapidly approaching, and with it the deadline for preparing the RISC OS Awards poll for 2015 (coming soon, folks), here are some news items that have previously either slipped under the RISCOSitory RADAR (it came with the bunker, doncherknow), or which were held back for a snippets post. Like this one!
Read MoreSnippets – 31st August, 2015
News nuggets for you to chew on. The last few months have been very busy with stuff unrelated to RISC OS, so unposted news – particularly smaller items – has built up again. It’s time, therefore, for a snippets post to round up these smaller items.
Read MoreSyncDiscs 1.25 released
Sync it to me, baby! Described on its website (mirror) as “A versatile disc backup program”, SyncDiscs is an application that will ensure the contents of two discs or directories are kept the same. Example uses of the software include keeping backup copies of a disc or directory – unsurprisingly, given that tagline – or keeping one computer’s disc synchronised with the another. Chris Johnson, also known for applications such as UnitConv, has taken over the maintenance and development of SyncDiscs with the full agreement and encouragement of its original…
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