VirtuDesk 1.14 released

If you sometimes find your RISC OS desktop a bit cluttered (which speaking personally would make it much like my real desktop) one solution is to close a few windows (or in the case of my actual desk, put some stuff away). Another solution is to run a piece of software that expands the size of the desktop beyond the visible area shown on screen, and move some of your windows into other spaces, ready for access when necessary.

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StrongED 4.69 ‘Vorhees’ edition released

Okay, not really: ‘f13’ means thirteenth full release, and is not a reference to Friday the 13th! Fred Graute has released an update to StrongED. The application was originally developed by Guttorm Vik, who described it, modestly, as a general purpose text editor, allowing you to edit any type of file whose contents were textual in nature, or which could be easily converted to text, such as BASIC programs.

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MiniTime clocks out as a module, becomes a regular application

Version 1.10 of MiniTime has been released by Fred Graute. The software provides a means to display the date and/or time in a small icon or window, with configuration options for its position on screen, the colours it uses, whether it appears above other windows, and more besides. Its goal is to provide quick and convenient access to a clock and calendar, without getting in the way.

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Snippets – 31st December, 2019

With 2019 drawing to a close at the end of today, to be immediately followed by a year with the official designation of 2020, it’s time to round up a selection of news that hasn’t been covered on RISCOSitory over the course of the year.

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