Kevin Wells has released an update to his political tool, MPdata+. The program allows you to access information found on the They Work For You website about your local MP. It does this by identifying your MP from your postcode – so you can use it to look up any MP if you know a postcode in their constituency.
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Early Day Motions feature returns to MPData+
Having released a largely rewritten version of MPData+ during January, Kevin Wells has now put out an update, bringing it up to version 2.01.
Read MoreMPData+ gets a reshuffle
Kevin Wells has spent some time looking at MPData+ and, because the code was becoming hard to maintain, the result is a more or less complete rewrite, which has now been released as version 2.00.
Read MoreBug fixes for MPData+
With a general election so recently behind us and a new set of Members of Parliament now in the House of Commons, Kevin Wells has released a new version of MPData+ – his application that allows RISC OS users to access data about their local MP.
Read MoreNews nybble: MPdata+ brings local elections to the RISC OS desktop
Kevin Wells’ application for displaying information about your local representitive, MPdata+, has gained another new feature – it can now tell you when there are upcoming elections in your local area. The program uses wget to fetch data from remote sites, parse it, and then present it in a RISC OS window, and for the new feature the data is found on the Who Can I Vote For website.
Read MoreSnippets – 13th January, 2018
A round-up of 2017 news that could have been reported on at the time if people had only sent it this way! With 2017 now behind us, looking back over the RISCOSitory posts for the year might leave people thinking there has been very little activity in the RISC OS world – but in fact it merely means there have been very few posts on the site over the course of the year. This, sadly, is a reflection of the amount of news submitted to RISCOSitory by developers etc, more…
Read MoreMPData+ at ROUGOL, Monday 20th July, 2015
Announcement from ROUGOL, 16th July, 2015. The next meeting of the RISC OS User Group Of London will be: MPdata+ Presented by Kevin Wells, KevSoft Monday 20th July 2015, 7:45pm
Read MoreSee what they look like with MPdata+
But do try not to have nightmares! Kevin Wells has released a new version of MPData+, his application for keeping tabs on UK local MPs. The software is designed to retrieve a variety of information about local MPs from the TheyWorkForYou website, displaying some of it – such as their name, constituency, party, the date they entered the House of Commons, and more – in a window on the desktop.
Read MoreSnippets – 31st December, 2014
Because while no news is good news, some news is better. Or something. Keen eyed readers of RISCOSitory will no doubt have noticed that for the last couple of months they have in fact not been keen eyed readers of RISCOSitory at all. As is sometimes the case, the workload here at the Soft Rock Software office became somewhat hectic for a while – moreso, I think, than it’s ever been before – leaving no time for any updates to the site. And to cap that, a nasty bout of…
Read MoreSnippets – 16th August, 2014
A selection of hitherto unreported items from the past few months. B gets beefed up to become B+ On 14th July, just a couple of days after the Midlands Show, the Raspberry Pi Foundation announced a new version of the Raspberry Pi. The Model B+ is the same size as its predecessors (give or take – well, take – about half a millimetre or so in one dimension) but features an improved layout and specification.
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