Nearly missed it – I really need a news address. Oh wait, I do have one! The next meeting of the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club takes place tonight – Wednesday, 2nd November – and this month Steve Fryatt will be talking about Ovation, the DTP package originally written by David Pilling. Not to be confused with its younger ‘Pro’ sibbling – which is used to create the club’s monthly newsletter – Ovation is now available for free, with the source code available, and further work has been done on…
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Snippets – 26th August, 2016
Round up, round up; news in a very late style. (That was what China Crisis sang, wasn’t it?) The bunker has been engulfed in chaos for quite a while – with a heavy workload leading to a period of hectic and frantic headless chicken impersonations. On top of that, a partial change of platforms has been undertaken, with some work being migrated from Windows (grr, spit, hiss) to Linux – and being completely new to Linux, that has meant adding a bit of self-education into the mix, not to mention…
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With the end of November rapidly approaching, and with it the deadline for preparing the RISC OS Awards poll for 2015 (coming soon, folks), here are some news items that have previously either slipped under the RISCOSitory RADAR (it came with the bunker, doncherknow), or which were held back for a snippets post. Like this one!
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