Things are about to get violent with Beatstreets

With the release of a second edition of Code the Classics from the Raspberry Pi stable (Side note; there’s apparently now a Code the Classics Volume II from Raspberry Pi Press, with their interpretations of another five classic games!) Jeroen Vermeulen has set his sights once again on creating RISC OS versions of the games included within its covers – and the first of these is now available.

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Chris Hall set to wave at London

Well, to talk about the Waveshare Mini-B IO board to ROUGOL. Same thing, right? Not yet formally announced by the RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL), but listed on the website, the group’s next meeting will take place on 19th February, and the speaker will be Chris Hall on the topic of the Waveshare Mini Base board (CM4-IO-BASE-B), which he will be bringing along with him to demonstrate.

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Christmas offers from CJE Micro’s on RapidO Ti and RaspberryRO

If you’re in the market for some new RISC OS computing goodness, the little shop with a lot of stock, CJE Micro’s (who are now a slightly bigger shop – or rather industrial unit) with a lot of stock) may be able to help. Chris Evans has announced a couple of price reductions on their RapidO Ti and RaspberryRO computers that will run from now until the end of January.

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‘Not the London Show’ news from RISCOSbits

A regular exhibitor at RISC OS shows, RISCOSbits would have been at the one originally planned for tomorrow. However, as we (hopefully) all know, the London Show isn’t going ahead – but over the Summer and early Autumn Andy Marks from RISCOSbits has been working on a few new bits and pieces; things that would have been launched, released, shouted about from the rooftops (or at least a set of tables) at the show. So let’s pretend we’re there, and look at what Andy would be telling us on the…

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RISCOSbits would like to welcome you to join them for Stonking Saturday!

(Oh, and by the way, there’s a new RISC OS system available for that day only!) If you’re a bit fed up with those pesky Overpuddlians bringing their practices and other atrocities over here, such as the increasingly common use of ‘invite’ as a noun, or annual sales events like ‘Black Friday’ (which tend to last longer than that one day) – and even worse, certain operating systems, when we have a rather nice (if slightly flawed) home grown one that runs on a family of processors which also began…

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Midlands User Group discussing Pi cameras – 4th December

Pi… Camera… Action! (And erm… RISC OS?) Although most laptops these days include webcams, as do some normal monitors even, the Raspberry Pi has its own camera module and a number of third parties also supply cameras for the device. At the next Midlands User Group (MUG) meeting, John Rickman will be talking about cameras for the Pi, and exploring what you need to use one.

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