Will RISCOSbits be bringing Scooby Doo to the Xmas show?

Ah, no, now I get it – it’s a mystery machine, not The Mystery Machine! If you’re planning to pay a visit to the MUG RISC OS Xmas Market on Saturday1, you’ll undoubtedly want to pop into the second room to see what’s on offer from RISCOSbits, because it looks like there will be quite a selection. Andy Marks says there will be “a range of hardware devices, including several machines not yet seen in the wild.

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A few videos from MUG for your viewing pleasure

And one from Kevin Wells for budding programmers The Midlands User Group (MUG) held their re-branded summer event on 1st July. What used to be the Midlands Midsummer MUG Show eventually came to a close due to low attendance numbers, but in 2022 it was resurrected as an online event, and this year held again under its new ‘MUG Mega Meeting’ banner – billing it, in effect, as an extended MUG meeting, with a spread of five different speakers over its five hour running time.

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Take a look at risks and RISC OS with MUG

Security is an important issue – especially in the modern world where most computers are connected to the internet, whether just occasionally, or almost all the time. While there is a lot to be gained from being so easily connected to just about anyone, anywhere on the planet, you also need to keep both yourself (and your family) and your data safe – because you’re connected to just about anyone, anywhere on the planet!

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