In order to facilitate the recent update to Launcher, Steve Fryatt made some changes to his Wimp library – and because of that changing, he has recompiled his C-based applications. This, he says, was mainly to ensure that the published source code will still build with the library, but does note that as a side benefit, they may benefit from other small improvements to the library – although in theory, mostly only in terms of stability. The updated applications, all of which can be found on Steve’s website or obtained…
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Snippets – 14th August, 2018
A round-up of news items found anywhere but the RISCOSitory news submission address! With time rarely being on my side, I’m always glad when people who release software or other resources for RISC OS, or who do anything else relevant to the platform let me know about it by sending their news to the email address made available for the purpose. However, there are still plenty who don’t send me their announcements, and that is the purpose of these ‘Snippets’ posts – so what follows is the result of me…
Read MoreSnippets – 12th February, 2017
A last minute round-up before the bunker is sealed off for a few days! Later today, the RISCOSitory/Soft Rock Software bunker will be sealed and secured shut while I disappear into the middle of nowhere for my annual mid-February break. Hopefully, there will be no kind of apocalyptic event while I’m away, so the bunker should be open for business again from next weekend. In the meantime, I’ve had a last minute catch-up on my reading, and found a few things worth mentioning in a final round-up before I set…
Read MoreSnippets – 12th April, 2016
Can I stop being so busy now, please? Pretty please? Aw, go on… Observant readers will no doubt have noticed a low post count on RISCOSitory since the Southwest Show – a grand total of eight, in fact, including the show report itself, and this year’s April Fool. As is often the case, this is because I’ve been too busy to devote time to this site (or anything RISC OS-related in general).
Read MorePrintPDF, CashBook updated, build tools released
Now have their innards on display The day before the recent London Show, Steve Fryatt, who was unable to exhibit at the show, announced updates to two pieces of software – PrintPDF and CashBook – and a change to his choice of licence for the software.
Read MoreTesters wanted for CashBook and PrintPDF
Steve Fryatt, the developer of CashBook and PrintPDF, amongst other things, has put out a plea for testers of new versions of those two applications. He reports that he has been doing a notable amount of work on the two of late, but while there are a few user facing changes, much more of the work has been under the bonnet, restructuring the source code so that it’s easier to work with – work that benefits users only in an abstract way, in that it makes further development of the…
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