With the show they organise now behind us, the Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) have turned their attention to their regular meetings – and the next one will see Chris Johns as the guest speaker.
Search Results for: Python
Interested in coding on RISC OS? Join the informal fireside chat
Anyone with an interest in coding on RISC OS – at any level – is invited to join an initial fireside chat, starting at 7:30pm on Saturday, 26th November. Organised by Andrew McCarthy in cooperation with Paolo Zaino and the RISC OS Community project, the idea dates back to last year when Andrew had the initial idea. The aim is to hold a series of meetings on the subject of Coding on RISC OS, and this one is intended to be the first.
StrongED effs up to version 4.69f12
An updated version of StrongED has been made available by Fred Graute. A new full release of version 4.69, it therefore sees its ‘f’ suffix incremented, bringing it up to 4.69f12 – the twelfth such release.
Get in a flap, but don’t pipe down (updated 23rd June)
I mean, don’t HIT a pipe, or you’ll GO down! Almost a decade ago, a very simple game was hatched from the mind of Vietnamese programmer Dong Nguyen. The game, Flappy Bird, was a very simple sideways scrolling game with only one control requirement – to tap the screen. This caused Faby, the flappy bird in question, to flap its wings and gain some height, otherwise it’d descend – all the while flying to the right. Update, 23rd June, 2022: The RISC OS version of this game has now been…
Recoding the classics – ROUGOL meeting, 17th January
Jeroen Vermeulen will be the guest speaker at the next RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) meeting, which will take place as hybrid online and in-person event on 17th January, at which he will be talking about how he ported five games to RISC OS.
Snippets – 9th January, 2022
A roundup of 2021 news and releases not already covered on RISCOSitory With 2021 now behind us, the time has come for one final round up of news that hasn’t already found its way onto onto these pages – although this time, in fact, it’s the only round up of such news for 2021; for 2020, a snippets post appeared half way through the year and then another just after the year ended – but no earlier post has been compiled for 2021.
Substitute Soccer game released
Code the Classics 5 – Joroen Vermeulen… 5! Completing the set from the Code the Classic (Volume 1) book, Jeroen Vermeulen has now made available a RISC OS conversion of the fifth game from the book – Substitute Soccer.
RISC OS Awards results 2020 now online
Open for approximately three months, the 2020 RISC OS Awards poll covering 2020 ran from April until June of this year, and received 141 valid votes. The results were calculated a little later than planned, but making a change from the normal approach of publishing them on Twitter and then the Awards website, this time around they were presented live at the RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) meeting on 16th August.
Two more Code the Classics games bounce their way onto RISC OS
Jeroen Vermeulen, who has already ported two games to RISC OS from the Raspberry Pi Code the Classics book – Infinite Bunner and Cavern – has now given the same treatment to two more games found in the book – Boing and Myriapod.
Cavern pops its way into !Store
I’m forever blowing bubbles orbs… A popular game from yesteryear was Bubble Bobble, which was available for a number of 8-bit home computer platforms and consoles – a platform game in which the player moved around each level, firing bubbles at the monsters in order to eliminate them. It’s also one of the games featured in the Code the Classics book from the Raspberry Pi folk – and the ‘type in listing’ from that book, written in Python, is called Cavern.