A few videos from MUG for your viewing pleasure

And one from Kevin Wells for budding programmers The Midlands User Group (MUG) held their re-branded summer event on 1st July. What used to be the Midlands Midsummer MUG Show eventually came to a close due to low attendance numbers, but in 2022 it was resurrected as an online event, and this year held again under its new ‘MUG Mega Meeting’ banner – billing it, in effect, as an extended MUG meeting, with a spread of five different speakers over its five hour running time.

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Come and stay at the Haunted Tower Hotel…

…FOREVER! If you visited the recent London Show, you would have had a chance to play a couple of new games – both with a theme corresponding with the event taking place the day before Halloween, with one available to buy at the show. That game was The Haunted Tower Hotel, from AMCOG Games – and it is now also available to purchase via !Store, priced at £9.99.

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