Snippets – 31st December, 2022

A collection of news for 2022 not already covered on RISCOSitory 2022 is about to draw to a close, so it’s time to cast one last eye over the various forums etc., to look for things that haven’t found their way onto these pages already.

Wakefield 2022 – show report

With no London Show today, it’s a perfect time to remember Wakefield! This year’s Wakefield show was a slightly unusual one for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the show was held around a month later than usual, on 21st May, rather than its traditional April slot – although you could also argue that it had returned to its original traditional month; the show started out in May back in 1996.

‘Not the London Show’ news from RISCOSbits

A regular exhibitor at RISC OS shows, RISCOSbits would have been at the one originally planned for tomorrow. However, as we (hopefully) all know, the London Show isn’t going ahead – but over the Summer and early Autumn Andy Marks from RISCOSbits has been working on a few new bits and pieces; things that would have been launched, released, shouted about from the rooftops (or at least a set of tables) at the show. So let’s pretend we’re there, and look at what Andy would be telling us on the…

Southwest, Wakefield 2023 show dates known

Let’s guess the rest! We’re fast approaching the end of 2022, and the final RISC OS show of the year – the London Show, organised by the RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) – was originally scheduled to take place next Saturday, the 29th October. However, due to the venue being unavailable until some months into next year, and no suitable alternative having been found, the event has had to be cancelled. As a result, there will be no more RISC OS shows until 2023 – and there are…

Snippets – 9th January, 2022

A roundup of 2021 news and releases not already covered on RISCOSitory With 2021 now behind us, the time has come for one final round up of news that hasn’t already found its way onto onto these pages – although this time, in fact, it’s the only round up of such news for 2021; for 2020, a snippets post appeared half way through the year and then another just after the year ended – but no earlier post has been compiled for 2021.

RISCOSbits would like to welcome you to join them for Stonking Saturday!

(Oh, and by the way, there’s a new RISC OS system available for that day only!) If you’re a bit fed up with those pesky Overpuddlians bringing their practices and other atrocities over here, such as the increasingly common use of ‘invite’ as a noun, or annual sales events like ‘Black Friday’ (which tend to last longer than that one day) – and even worse, certain operating systems, when we have a rather nice (if slightly flawed) home grown one that runs on a family of processors which also began…

RISCOSbits squeezes out some Linuxbits

And pumps out a PiAno, and a Pi 4 upgrade scheme. A number of systems on which RISC OS can be run also have Linux distros available for them, which means it’s very easy for RISC OS users to have a hardware platform for running our operating system natively, and a hardware platform for running a more widely supported OS – while only having a single hardware platform on the desk. With the Raspberry Pi, for example, it’s just a matter of changing the SD card to the OS you…