Well, okay, shockingly good ones, anyway! Following on from yesterday’s ‘Not the London Show’ offers, RISCOSbits’ stock of Raspberry Pi 4-based machines hasn’t quite been depleted, so the company has decided to extend the offers to cover the Halloween and Bonfire Night period – at least while stocks last.
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‘Not the London Show’ news from RISCOSbits
A regular exhibitor at RISC OS shows, RISCOSbits would have been at the one originally planned for tomorrow. However, as we (hopefully) all know, the London Show isn’t going ahead – but over the Summer and early Autumn Andy Marks from RISCOSbits has been working on a few new bits and pieces; things that would have been launched, released, shouted about from the rooftops (or at least a set of tables) at the show. So let’s pretend we’re there, and look at what Andy would be telling us on the…
Read MoreLondon Show news from RISCOSbits
Strap yourselves in… there’s a lot in this post! Andy Marks of RISCOSbits has been busy in the extended period between the last physical show and Saturday’s London Show, and has a number of new products that he’ll be bringing along to show – and hopefully sell – to you.
Read MoreRISCOSbits squeezes out some Linuxbits
And pumps out a PiAno, and a Pi 4 upgrade scheme. A number of systems on which RISC OS can be run also have Linux distros available for them, which means it’s very easy for RISC OS users to have a hardware platform for running our operating system natively, and a hardware platform for running a more widely supported OS – while only having a single hardware platform on the desk. With the Raspberry Pi, for example, it’s just a matter of changing the SD card to the OS you…
Read MoreTwo talks at the next Wakefield meeting – 3rd March
Phil Pemberton on software preservation, Andy Marks on RISCOSbits The Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) will next meet up on Wednesday, 3rd March, when there will be two guest speakers talking to the group.
Read MoreRISCOSbits serves up a Black Friday bargain
Today is the Friday immediately after Thanksgiving in them there United States of Overpuddle, a day that has become known as Black Friday, with retailers putting varying levels of reduction on their wares. This tradition has been expanding in recent years, both in duration and in distance, and we have seen Black Friday sales well beyond the Overpuddlian shores, including in our own little RISC OS community. This year, RISCOSbits has put up a special offer to celebrate the day after a day that isn’t special in any way on…
Read MoreRISCOSbits brings you an STD DOSE
Don’t worry, that doesn’t mean what you think! Read on… New from RISCOSbits is a new small-footprint Raspberry Pi 4-based system called the FOURtress – which, in an unusual move for the company, uses an off-the-shelf aluminium case, rather than something custom-designed. The case doubles up as a heatsink for the Pi, which allows the processor to be overclocked to 2.1GHz, yet remain cool.
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