With the end of November rapidly approaching, and with it the deadline for preparing the RISC OS Awards poll for 2015 (coming soon, folks), here are some news items that have previously either slipped under the RISCOSitory RADAR (it came with the bunker, doncherknow), or which were held back for a snippets post. Like this one!
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BookMaker 2.16 released
Announcement from Nick Roberts, 1st October, 2013 Version 2.16 of BookMaker is available for download.The integration of BookMaker with certain browsers is not perfect, and under certain conditions the browser can overwrite any changes to the saved hotlist made by BookMaker. This version of BookMaker detects the conditions under which saves can go wrong, and warns the user of the possibility. BookMaker is an address book manager for most major RISCOS browsers, and several email, telnet and FTP clients. It is fully 26/32-bit neutral (i.e. will run on all versions…
Read MoreBookMaker updated to support NetSurf
Nick Roberts has released version 2.15 of BookMaker, an address book manager for major RISC OS browsers, as well as many email, telnet and FTP clients. This version brings long-awaited support for NetSurf, something that has been sadly lacking due to the way NetSurf works – or, rather, worked; “Thanks are due” says Nick, “to the NetSurf RISC OS developer for implementing the protocols that allow NetSurf and BookMaker to interoperate.”
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