SyncDiscs 1.25 released

Sync it to me, baby!

Described on its website (mirror) as “A versatile disc backup program”, SyncDiscs is an application that will ensure the contents of two discs or directories are kept the same. Example uses of the software include keeping backup copies of a disc or directory – unsurprisingly, given that tagline – or keeping one computer’s disc synchronised with the another.

Chris Johnson, also known for applications such as UnitConv, has taken over the maintenance and development of SyncDiscs with the full agreement and encouragement of its original developer, David Pilling – and, at the beginning of December, released version 1.25, the first general release of the software since version 1.23.

The main changes since version 1.23 include:

  • “Job waiting” and “filer action” counts have been added to the progress window.
  • The application can now accept archive or zip files as primary or secondary directories.
  • A verbose option has been added for Filer_actions.
  • A Ctrl-Shift drag to the secondary directory field adds a leafname automatically.
  • Interactive help is now supported.
  • The range for ignoring the difference between timestamps has been increased to up to five hours.

SyncDiscs has also now been successfully tested on the BeagleBoard (ARMv7/Cortex-A8/OMAP3) port of RISC OS.

In his announcement about the software’s release, Chris adds that since he has taken over development of SyncDiscs, any correspondence about the software should be directed to him, and not to David.


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