Can I stop being so busy now, please? Pretty please? Aw, go on… Observant readers will no doubt have noticed a low post count on RISCOSitory since the Southwest Show – a grand total of eight, in fact, including the show report itself, and this year’s April Fool. As is often the case, this is because I’ve been too busy to devote time to this site (or anything RISC OS-related in general).
Read MoreTag: Chris Johnson
GraphDraw 3.00 released
When it comes to maths, graphing is where I draw the line1! GraphDraw is a graph plotting application from Chris Johnson, which allows x and y values to be input and subsequently edited, and from the resulting data the software can calculate and plot:
Read MoreSnippets – 31st August, 2015
News nuggets for you to chew on. The last few months have been very busy with stuff unrelated to RISC OS, so unposted news – particularly smaller items – has built up again. It’s time, therefore, for a snippets post to round up these smaller items.
Read MoreSnippets – 27th June, 2015
You heard it here first eventually! With a ridiculously busy period now over (mostly – and until/unless things get silly again), it’s time to round up what’s happened in the intervening period in the world of RISC OS.
Read MoreSnippets – 31st December, 2014
Because while no news is good news, some news is better. Or something. Keen eyed readers of RISCOSitory will no doubt have noticed that for the last couple of months they have in fact not been keen eyed readers of RISCOSitory at all. As is sometimes the case, the workload here at the Soft Rock Software office became somewhat hectic for a while – moreso, I think, than it’s ever been before – leaving no time for any updates to the site. And to cap that, a nasty bout of…
Read MoreID3TagEd updated to version 0.50, 0.51
0.501 replaces 0.25 – that’s, like, twice more than twice as good, innit? Chris Johnson has announced the release of version 0.50 of ID3TagEd and, since that announcement, he has updated the software yet again to version 0.51.
Read MoreChartDraw version 3.52
Announcement from Chris Johnson, 14th May, 2014. I am pleased to announce that version 3.52 of ChartDraw is now available. ChartDraw allows the production of a range of charts. The program plots
Read MoreSnippets – 19th March, 2014
Bringing you the latest yesterday’s last week’s month’s YEAR’s news TODAY! Thanks to a previous engagement being cancelled, an unexpectedly free day means I can – finally – root through my archive of possible news and put together a snippets-post of things that really ought to have been reported on before now on RISCOSitory.
Read MoreCPUClock 1.01
Announcement from Chris Johnson, 12th November, 2013 When I first produced CPUClock about a year ago, it only worked on the BeagleBoard. The PandaBoard OMAP4 ROM did not implement the SWI Portable_Speed2 fully at the time. Having now obtained a PandaBoard ES, I find that the SWI is now fully implemented, and CPUClock now works on the more recent ROM versions of the PandaBoard. I add below an extract from the original announcement.
Read MoreConvImgs – a new image transformation tool
Siiiiiiiize of an elephant JPEG! Well known developer Chris Johnson, who maintains a number of applications, some his own, some taken over from David Pilling, recently released a new application for the batch conversion of a variety of image types, with some transformations of those images being possible at the same time.
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