Siiiiiiiize of an elephant JPEG!
Well known developer Chris Johnson, who maintains a number of applications, some his own, some taken over from David Pilling, recently released a new application for the batch conversion of a variety of image types, with some transformations of those images being possible at the same time.
Currently available as a pre-release test version, that application is ConvImgs (mirror) which, explains Chris, has been tested successfully on the Iyonix, the BeagleBoard and the Raspberry Pi. It has also been reported as running on the PandaBoard ES.
ConvImgs can accept RISC OS sprites, JPEGs, PNGs, TIFFs, BMPs and GIFs* for processing, a selection of which can be dragged onto the application, or directories containing them – although the application will only process images in that directory, and will not work its way through any subdirectories recursively – and can convert them to RISC OS sprites, JPEGs, PNGs or TIFFs.
As part of the process, it can also:
Rotate the images, by 90, 180 or 270 (aka -90) degrees, or flip the images either horizontally or vertically – with both rotating and flipping being part of the same option set, so you can’t (for example) combine a 90 degree rotation with a horizontal flip.
- Re-size the images by a specified percentage, to a specified horizontal (or vertical) size in pixels, or so that they fit within a given set of dimensions – with the image’s aspect ratio preserved in all cases.
Chris adds that suggestions for new features are always welcome – a contact address is included in the application’s documentation, which is accessed via its Help menu. (I’d suggest separating out those rotate and flip options to provide that extra level of versatility in this area.)
* Apparently, the correct pronunciation of GIF is with a soft G, in defiance of all logic and reason, which makes it sounds more like a Giraffic Interchange Format, and possibly therefore of use to zoos and safari parks if they move their giraffes around amongst themselves, perhaps to breed them.