Snippets – 12th February, 2017

A last minute round-up before the bunker is sealed off for a few days! Later today, the RISCOSitory/Soft Rock Software bunker will be sealed and secured shut while I disappear into the middle of nowhere for my annual mid-February break. Hopefully, there will be no kind of apocalyptic event while I’m away, so the bunker should be open for business again from next weekend. In the meantime, I’ve had a last minute catch-up on my reading, and found a few things worth mentioning in a final round-up before I set…

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Pi Zero with an OLED display – Bristol Users meeting, 11th January

And possibly – just possibly – some gaming fun, too1. The next meeting of Bristol RISC OS Users (BRU) will take place on Wednesday, 11th January, and this month Chris Hall will be showing off a £6.00 OLED display, sporting a whopping 128×64 pixel resolution and connected to a Raspberry Pi Zero. This is the latest evolution of Chris’ GPS project, with the display showing the Ordnance Survey grid reference, milepost mileage (which will generally show zero unless you are on or very near the Severn Valley Railway, since this…

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Snippets – 16th October, 2016

Out of the chaos comes… another round up of (mostly late) news! With yet another protracted busy period here in the RISCOSitory/Soft Rock Software bunker, it’s time to round up some news that has either been previously missed, or held back until more time was available.

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GPS application released for RISC OS

Just the thing for the morning after the night before, and you’ve woken up wondering where on Earth you are!1 Chris Hall has released a new application, provisionally called ‘SatNav’, that can read the signal from a GPS receiver and feed it to other applications capable of understanding and acting on that data. One such application is Sine Nomine’s mapping software RiscOSM, which will then open a map showing your current location.

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Chris Hall visits ROUGOL to help decide which computer really is best!

Erm… best for you, that is, because it’s subjective, innit? Chris Hall will be visiting the RISC OS User Group of London on Monday, 17th October, to give a talk entitled ‘System Comparisons’ in which he will look at the various new systems available that can be used to run RISC OS – whether they are full-blown, ready to use computers sold by the likes of R-Comp and CJE Micro’s, or simply system boards and DIY kits, for which additional components are needed such as (for that full Blue Peter…

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User group meetings galore over the next seven days

Horsham, Southampton, Bristol, Midlands, Wessex… Everybody talk about… pop music! No, hang on, that’s not right. There are quite a number of user group meetings taking place over the next week, so it seems sensible to wrap them up in a single post, covering all of those up to and including next Saturday (17th September).

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Snippets – 12th April, 2016

Can I stop being so busy now, please? Pretty please? Aw, go on… Observant readers will no doubt have noticed a low post count on RISCOSitory since the Southwest Show – a grand total of eight, in fact, including the show report itself, and this year’s April Fool. As is often the case, this is because I’ve been too busy to devote time to this site (or anything RISC OS-related in general).

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Meetings this week in Southampton and Bristol

Southampton tomorrow, Bristol the next day… then, the WORLD! BWAHAHA! Or something. Tuesday, 10th November sees the Southampton RISC OS User Group meet up, from 19:00 until 21:00 at its usual venue, the Sports Centre of Itchen College, Deacon Road, Southampton. The meeting takes place in the College Centre, which is an open area with tables and chairs, adjacent to the Sports Centre Reception desk.

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