Advantages of newer hardware running RISC OS include much greater amounts of memory, and much faster processors – but a significant disadvantage for some is the inability to run older software.
Search Results for: adffs
A final call for votes in this year’s awards poll
Along with an updated look at the alternative votes The 2020 RISC OS Awards poll has now underway for more than a couple of months, which means it’s about time a final deadline for votes was issued so that the hundreds hundred or so votes that have been cast can be counted up and the results published. That deadline, therefore, is the end of this month – 30th June. If you haven’t yet voted, please ensure you do so by then. If you’ve looked at the options and decided one…
A glimpse at the alternative votes in the 2020 Awards poll
With the 2020 RISC OS Awards poll now underway and huge numbers of some votes coming in, it’s about time the alternative options were given an initial airing.
Snippets – 31st December, 2019
With 2019 drawing to a close at the end of today, to be immediately followed by a year with the official designation of 2020, it’s time to round up a selection of news that hasn’t been covered on RISCOSitory over the course of the year.
Midlands User Group meeting – 20th July
The next meeting for RISC OS users in the Midlands area will take place on Saturday, 20th July at 2pm, and the main topic of the afternoon will be a discussion of using ADFFS to run old, legacy software on modern systems.
RISC OS Awards: Deadline, and an overdue look at the alternative suggestions
The annual RISC OS Awards poll has now been open for just over two months, and is due to be closed fairly soon. Shortly after the poll began I moved home and didn’t properly set up any computers for quite some time, so the planned occasional review and post of the ‘alternative’ entries didn’t happen, other than one quiet afternoon when I scanned through the votes that had been received at that point and tweeted those alternative entries.
Snippets – 1st January, 2019
Although this is the first post for 2019, it’s also the last post of 2018! It’s once again time for a round up of new releases, updates, and so on, that have somehow not made it to these pages before, with a whole bunch of news snippets from 2018.
RISC OS Awards 2017 results
The latest RISC OS Awards poll, covering 2017, came to a close a on Saturday, 26th May – and the results are now known. The Awards website has been updated to show the results, and the winners (for whom I have contact details) will be notified by email later today, with direct links to the results so that they can be referred to on the their own websites. The results have already been announced on the RISCOSitory Twitter feed, but for anyone not using Twitter they are below.
News nybble: Shout from the rooftops: pi-topUtils 1.04 now available
Or whisper. It’s your choice, and under your control! Jon Abbott, taking a break from making old games work via ADFFS as part of the Archimedes Software Preservation Project, has released a new version of pi-topUtils. The software provides things like a battery level indicator, screen dimming (which helps preserve battery life), automatic shutdown, and so on. The new version – 1.04, which is for the original pi-top only, not the pi-top2 – adds support for (and control of) the speaker in the Raspberry Pi-based laptop, initialising them and allowing…
Snippets – 13th January, 2018
A round-up of 2017 news that could have been reported on at the time if people had only sent it this way! With 2017 now behind us, looking back over the RISCOSitory posts for the year might leave people thinking there has been very little activity in the RISC OS world – but in fact it merely means there have been very few posts on the site over the course of the year. This, sadly, is a reflection of the amount of news submitted to RISCOSitory by developers etc, more…