With the 2020 RISC OS Awards poll now underway and huge numbers of some votes coming in, it’s about time the alternative options were given an initial airing.
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RISC OS Awards poll open for votes
The annual RISC OS Awards poll, undertaken by RISCOSitory, is now open for votes.
Read MoreAwards voting deadline extended
And an updated list of alternative votes. The Awards poll for 2019 went live towards the end of March, with a deadline for votes pencilled in as the end of May. However, due to the disappointing number of votes received, I have decided to leave it open until the end of this month.
Read MoreRISC OS Awards: Deadline, and an overdue look at the alternative suggestions
The annual RISC OS Awards poll has now been open for just over two months, and is due to be closed fairly soon. Shortly after the poll began I moved home and didn’t properly set up any computers for quite some time, so the planned occasional review and post of the ‘alternative’ entries didn’t happen, other than one quiet afternoon when I scanned through the votes that had been received at that point and tweeted those alternative entries.
Read MoreVoting is now open in the RISC OS Awards 2018
The annual RISC OS Awards poll undertaken by RISCOSitory on the RISC OS Awards website is now open for votes.
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