I mean, don’t HIT a pipe, or you’ll GO down! Almost a decade ago, a very simple game was hatched from the mind of Vietnamese programmer Dong Nguyen. The game, Flappy Bird, was a very simple sideways scrolling game with only one control requirement – to tap the screen. This caused Faby, the flappy bird in question, to flap its wings and gain some height, otherwise it’d descend – all the while flying to the right. Update, 23rd June, 2022: The RISC OS version of this game has now been…
Search Results for: raspberry pi 3
Pi 400 gets a Plus One
RISC OS users who were Acorn users long before the Archimedes and our favourite OS was ever a thing will remember that the BBC Micro had a younger, more limited sibling – the Acorn Electron. And they will also therefore have observed that the Raspberry Pi 400, a small computer built into a keyboard, could be seen as a nod to computers like the Electron – especially given that the Pi can run RISC OS, and therefore BBC BASIC (albeit a greatly improved version, and using much more memory), the…
Access an ESP32 camera module from the desktop
If you have a Raspberry Pi and wish to attach a camera to it there are a number of options available to you – including from the Raspberry Pi Foundation themselves – but if you wish to use one with RISC OS, your options are considerably more limited. So limited, in fact, that until very recently I don’t think there was a working option. As of mid-May, however, that changed thanks to Rick Murray.
PiTools updated to version 1.13
Released barely a week ago as a general spin off the software supplied with the 4té computer, intended for use by other people running RISC OS on the Raspberry Pi, an update to PiTools has been pushed out by R-Comp Interactive. The product, which began life as 4téTools on its namesake computer – itself based around the Raspberry Pi 4 – provides additional tools and configuration facilities to the computer in addition to those included in RISC OS itself.
PiTools released by R-Comp Interactive
With the launch of their 4té computer in the latter part of last year, R-Comp developed a set of tools to run on the system, neatly wrapped up in an application called 4téTools. This provided features over and above the easily accessible configuration options provided in RISC OS itself, and covered areas such as the display, keyboard and mouse, networking, and much more.
What do a PiDP-11, YTPlay, and editing meeting videos have in common?
They’ll all be discussed at the next Wakefield meeting! Offering a range of topics, rather than just one speaker talking on one topic, the next Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) meeting has been designated a Potpourri evening, with spots from Cliff Hatch, Doug Webb (infiltrating the Club from the Midlands), and Ruth Gunstone.
More graphics ditties running on a Pi find their way onto YouTube
Richard Ashbery has put together another video demonstrating a selection of graphics programs written in BBC BASIC and running on RISC OS on a Raspberry Pi.
Python 3 comes to RISC OS
RISC OS Developments Ltd has announced that the work that has been underway for some while by Chris Johns and others to bring Python 3 to the platform has now seen fruition, with the latest version of the very popular programming language now generally available.
New Archimedes computer released – by the Raspberry Pi Foundation!
Well, okay, they aren’t actually calling it an Archimedes, but… Although the first Archimedes computers from Acorn took on a standard PC configuration of a main box housing the computer itself, with a separate keyboard (and mouse) that could be plugged in, there were also some machines that combined the keyboard and computer into a single case, such as the A3000 and A3010. And now the Raspberry Pi Foundation is getting in on that act by releasing such a device – which they’ve named the Raspberry Pi 400.
Release candidate 16 (RISC OS 5.28) now available for the Pi
Official support for the Raspberry Pi 4 now within sight There has been no formal announcement (yet) by RISC OS Open Ltd (ROOL) – but Raspberry Pi users who like to keep up with the latest developments might wish to take a peek at the Raspberry Pi downloads page on the ROOL website.