They’ll all be discussed at the next Wakefield meeting!
Offering a range of topics, rather than just one speaker talking on one topic, the next Wakefield RISC OS Computer Club (WROCC) meeting has been designated a Potpourri evening, with spots from Cliff Hatch, Doug Webb (infiltrating the Club from the Midlands), and Ruth Gunstone.
Cliff Hatch spoke to the group back in August on the topic of the DEC PDP-8 minicomputer, and as a follow-up to that he’ll be talking this time about his PiDP-11, a Raspberry Pi-based simulation of another DEC machine, the (as if you haven’t guessed) PDP-11.
Doug Webb – more usually associated with the Midlands User Group (but don’t tell the folks at WROCC, in case he’s keeping that on the down low) – will then take centre stage to talk about his experiences watching YouTube videos on RISC OS using YTPlay. Like Cliff’s segment, this could also be seen as a follow-up talk, although the first instalment was to that other group over a year ago.
Ruth Gunstone will then take the final slot with a demonstration of the software she uses to edit and render the WROCC meeting videos, ready to be uploaded to YouTube. This, too, can be seen as a follow-up talk, with the original again being that August WROCC meeting, at which Ruth talked about the software used to record and stream content for the meetings.
To round things off, Ruth also has some thoughts and questions about vector graphics package ArtWorks, as well as it’s Windows counterpart Xara, which has its origins in the same stable.
There is no access fee, and the meeting is again being held online, making it a breeze for anyone to attend no matter where you are (if other commitments and your time zone aren’t a problem). All you need is a suitable device on which you can run the Zoom video conferencing software, along with the meeting access details – which can be obtained by contacting the Club by the day before the meeting at the latest. You’ll receive the necessary details on the day itself.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday, 7th April, with a start time of 7:45pm – though the virtual meeting room will be open about half hour before that to allow people time to join, and to settle in their favourite armchair with snacks and drinks on hand.
Although the meeting is free, if you’re not already a member of the Club and have participated in – and enjoyed – the virtual meetings, why not consider joining? Membership costs just £15.00 per year, reduced to half for the first year, and brings with it a number of benefits:
- When physical meetings become a thing again, Club members get free access – while visitors need to pay an entry fee of £3.00.
- The WROCC, the Club’s monthly newsletter, will be delivered to your
dooremail inbox as a PDF file. - You’ll have access to the Club’s internet discussion forum.