Kevin Wells has released an update to his political tool, MPdata+. The program allows you to access information found on the They Work For You website about your local MP. It does this by identifying your MP from your postcode – so you can use it to look up any MP if you know a postcode in their constituency.
If there are elections coming up, it can also look up information about that, such as the candidates, via Who Can I Vote For?
The changes in version 2.02 include a small face-lift to the ‘more info’ buttons so that it’s clearer that they are indeed buttons, and the program now checks to see if it’s already running.
For upcoming elections, MPdata+ now allows you to save the election data as an ICS file, which can then be loaded into any application that understands the format. ICS files are designed to hold calendar information, such as details about scheduled events, and are intended as a means to share that data in a convenient way – instead of manually inputting the information they hold into a calendar application, you simply load the file into it.
In order to retrieve information from the web, MPdata+ needs a working internet connection, and for Wget to be available.
If you find any of Kevin’s software useful, you could always consider rewarding him for it by buying some merchandise or with a small contribution.