A collection of news for 2022 not already covered on RISCOSitory 2022 is about to draw to a close, so it’s time to cast one last eye over the various forums etc., to look for things that haven’t found their way onto these pages already.
Search Results for: PrivateEye
Snippets – 9th January, 2022
A roundup of 2021 news and releases not already covered on RISCOSitory With 2021 now behind us, the time has come for one final round up of news that hasn’t already found its way onto onto these pages – although this time, in fact, it’s the only round up of such news for 2021; for 2020, a snippets post appeared half way through the year and then another just after the year ended – but no earlier post has been compiled for 2021.
RISC OS Awards 2017 results
The latest RISC OS Awards poll, covering 2017, came to a close a on Saturday, 26th May – and the results are now known. The Awards website has been updated to show the results, and the winners (for whom I have contact details) will be notified by email later today, with direct links to the results so that they can be referred to on the their own websites. The results have already been announced on the RISCOSitory Twitter feed, but for anyone not using Twitter they are below.
Snippets – 12th February, 2017
A last minute round-up before the bunker is sealed off for a few days! Later today, the RISCOSitory/Soft Rock Software bunker will be sealed and secured shut while I disappear into the middle of nowhere for my annual mid-February break. Hopefully, there will be no kind of apocalyptic event while I’m away, so the bunker should be open for business again from next weekend. In the meantime, I’ve had a last minute catch-up on my reading, and found a few things worth mentioning in a final round-up before I set…
Snippets – 24th February 2012
Basalt and the Toolbox Steve Drain, prompted by a discussion in the RISC OS Open Ltd forum about AppBasic, has written a document about the using the Toolbox with Basalt which, he explains, has never been very well described. Basalt (“BASic ALTernative keywords”) is a module that extends BASIC by providing “alternative keywords by extending the use of actual keywords and adding new keywords, both of which are used completely as native BASIC keywords.” The document is available online, at the link given above, and it is also included in…