Richard Ashbery, known for his ArtWorks, er, artworks1, has launched a new website dedicated to graphics programming in the version of BBC BASIC supplied on RISC OS Computers.
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Andrew Conroy releases BASIC library for the Raspberry Pi JAM HAT
Encouraging people to be as flashy as he is when his boss isn’t around! Observant readers and show visitors will have noticed that Andrew Conroy has started occasionally having his own presence at RISC OS computer shows – when CJE Micro’s, the company for which he works, isn’t present. What he exhibits is a range of personal projects interfacing with the Raspberry Pi.
Read MoreExpose your desktop for some BASIC tools
But cover up any private bits! In yet another BASIC-based initiative on the part of David Feugey’s RISC OS FR, a tailored edition of the latest Desktop Development Environment from RISC OS Open Ltd is on offer to people who want to get into BASIC programming, for the grand price tag of zero pounds, zero pence1, and one screenshot of your RISC OS desktop.
Read BBC BASIC contest winners announced
Everyone can win with BASIC, that’s the truth (yes, the truth). David Feugey, who runs French-language website, has announced the names of the two winners of the second BBC BASIC programming contest being run via the site.
Read MoreRISC OS FR: hosting service and second programming contest
Earlier this year, the French RISC OS resource RISC OS FR run by David Feugey moved to a new server. Previously, the site was being served from a Raspberry Pi running RISC OS – something that, while clearly possible, is probably not an ideal solution.
Read MorePip-sized Pico now available
Pint-sized would be, like, MASSIVE! Last year the BASIC programming language celebrated its 50th birthday, having first appeared (as Dartmouth BASIC) in 1964, and in May RISC OS Open Ltd joined in the celebrations by releasing RISC OS Pico for the Raspberry Pi.
Read MoreRiscLua 5.70 revisited
More than a mouthful snippet! The September 22nd Snippets post included mention of an update to programming language RiscLua, bringing it up to version 5.70, which current developer Gavin Wraith announced in August. Gavin has since been in touch with a follow-up to his original announcement,
Read MoreSnippets – 7th July 2013
Because breaking catching up is never easy… After falling behind with RISCOSitory updates late last year, I’ve been getting to the stage where I think I’ve almost caught back up, and then things get a little hectic and I fall behind again. I’ve therefore decided to resurrect the ‘snippets’ format to round up a few smaller news items in one go. This doesn’t bring me right up to date, and with the Midlands show almost upon us, I’m likely to fall further behind again, so there will probably be more…
Read MoreMCPIO module released, Basalt updated
This is not the droid you’re looking for. Because it’s not a droid – it’s a module. Steve Drain has released version 0.20 of MCPIO, a small, specialised module to control the MCP23017 IIC expander ports on the Raspberry Pi, along with an updated version of Basalt with a new MCPIO keyword.
Read MoreBasalt 1.42 beta released
Beta Basalt for a better BASIC. Steve Drain, developer of Basalt, has released a new version of the module. Short for BASIC Alternative keywords, Basalt is a module that adds many additional keywords and features to all versions of BBC BASIC V, the built in programming language included as part of the ROM (or ROM Image) in all versions RISC OS. Version 1.42 beta is intended as a stable – with a bracketed question mark in Steve’s announcement – version of the previous alpha version, with additional features:
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