WimpInfo 1.24 released

WimpInfo is a small application that was previously supplied by Quantum Software, and is now hosted here on RISCOSitory after Stuart Halliday announced he was shutting down the software house.

Its purpose is to provide information about whatever is underneath the mouse pointer – information about windows, icons, menus, and so on. This can be useful to programmers when developing their applications to ensure their code is doing what they think it’s doing, and that they’ve set up those windows, icons, menus, and so on correctly.

Fred Graute, of StrongED fame, recently sent an updated version to the RISCOSitory bunker, having updated it to help with the task of converting MiniTime to use AppBasic some time back, with the following explanation:

Because MiniTime uses 24-bit colours in the title bar validation string I also needed to check the extra flags byte which controls this. Alas, WimpInfo does not expose the extra flags byte so I did a quick hack to add it to the ‘Window’ window.

I’ve now tidied this up, and added some other small changes that I thought made sense. Such as ensuring that all values that are shown as hex are prefixed with a ‘&’ (to avoid confusion when you see a hex value that is also a valid decimal value, e.g. 139).

With thanks to Fred for the update, the new version has now been uploaded to the Quantum Software page, as well as to !Store, as version 1.24.

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