ToggleBD 2.00 now available

Fred Graute has released version 2.00 of his Pinboard support module, ToggleBD, which can be used to raise the background of your desktop to the top of the window stack – effectively bringing it to the front of the display, with any open windows behind it – so that you can access anything pinned to it, such as iconised windows, shortcuts to files, and so on. Once you’ve got at what you need, the backdrop can be lowered again so that all your open windows can be accessed as normal.

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VirtuDesk 1.14 released

If you sometimes find your RISC OS desktop a bit cluttered (which speaking personally would make it much like my real desktop) one solution is to close a few windows (or in the case of my actual desk, put some stuff away). Another solution is to run a piece of software that expands the size of the desktop beyond the visible area shown on screen, and move some of your windows into other spaces, ready for access when necessary.

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Big up your laptop’s keyboard and screen with a Desk Dock from RISCOSbits

These days, RISC OS laptop computers are a proper real thingtm (again – we did have Acorn’s A4 once upon a time), with devices like the Pinebook and Pinebook Pro able to run the operating system. However, while a laptop is a handy thing to have when away from the desk, it’s probably not ideal to use as a main machine in its standard form: The screens can be a little on the small side, the keyboards horribly flat and fairly cramped, and a touchpad is a long way from…

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MoreDesk: More features in version 1.25

More bang for your buck? More desk[top space] for your money! Steve Revill, wearing his 7th software* hat rather than his RISC OS Open Ltd one, announced a new version of MoreDesk at the start of July – a version which brings a number of significant fixes and improvements, and builds upon the previous version (1.24, apparently – ahem!) With MoreDesk, users can organise their windows over a space that is larger than the normal RISC OS desktop – a facility it provides by creating a grid of “desktop spaces”,…

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Snippets – 21st June 2011

David Higton reported on the RISC OS Open forums that at the Southamton Acorn Users Group meeting on 14th June, to which he took his BeagleBoard for the purposes of this, he “demonstrated copying the files from a bootable SD card to an empty (formatted) SD card and booting from the latter.”

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