DeleGate 1.00 launches at London Show

Announcement from Andrew Rawnsley, 21st October, 2014. We are pleased to announce that version 1.00 of DeleGate will launch at the London Show this weekend.DeleGate, which provides system protection against accidental deletion of files and folders, has been under development since early this year. We are pleased to be able to launch it “officially” at the London Show.

Snippets – 12th October, 2014

If news were a hot dog, this would be the ketchup. (Ketchup? Catch-up? Geddit? No? Ho hum – where’s my coat?) Here at the RISCOSitory/Soft Rock Software top secret underground bunker (whose entrance is cunningly disguised as a ramshackle shed) things have become somewhat busy positively hectic over the last couple of months, which has resulted in no news being posted to the site whatsoever for almost a month – not even in the ‘press release’ format whereby an announcement is simply quoted in full. So, in order to catch…

Snippets – 16th August, 2014

A selection of hitherto unreported items from the past few months. B gets beefed up to become B+ On 14th July, just a couple of days after the Midlands Show, the Raspberry Pi Foundation announced a new version of the Raspberry Pi. The Model B+ is the same size as its predecessors (give or take – well, take – about half a millimetre or so in one dimension) but features an improved layout and specification.

Midlands Show 2014 – Report

Surprise! Just when you thought it wasn’t going to get written! The 2014 Midlands Midsummer MUG Show took place on 12th July, at the St John’s Church Hall in Kenilworth, just as it has for the last few years, and I was there, rapidly changing hats so fast no observer could even see me doing it (or even see the hats), between one for Soft Rock Software, and one for RISCOSitory – on the one hand, promoting my products (both old and new), and on the other promoting this site,…