And an updated list of alternative votes. The Awards poll for 2019 went live towards the end of March, with a deadline for votes pencilled in as the end of May. However, due to the disappointing number of votes received, I have decided to leave it open until the end of this month.
Search Results for: NetSurf
RPCEmu brings RISC OS Direct to a wider audience
A new version of RPCEmu has been released, offering an easy way to get up and running if you haven’t used RPCEmu before – and if you wish, to try out RISC OS Direct without needing a Raspberry Pi.
A look at some of the alternative suggestions in the 2019 Awards poll
The Awards poll for 2019 has been under way for about a month, and has so far received ninety form submissions – although that does include a number of blank entries1.
Snippets – 31st December, 2019
With 2019 drawing to a close at the end of today, to be immediately followed by a year with the official designation of 2020, it’s time to round up a selection of news that hasn’t been covered on RISCOSitory over the course of the year.
Show report: Southwest 2019
It was the dawn of the third age of mankind second venue for the RISC OS Southwest Show Since its inception, each and every Southwest Show until this year’s had been held at the Webbington Hotel in Somerset – a grand total of twenty one shows, with twenty years between the first, which took place on 7th February, 1998, and last year’s event, which took place on 24th February, 2018.
RISC OS Awards: Deadline, and an overdue look at the alternative suggestions
The annual RISC OS Awards poll has now been open for just over two months, and is due to be closed fairly soon. Shortly after the poll began I moved home and didn’t properly set up any computers for quite some time, so the planned occasional review and post of the ‘alternative’ entries didn’t happen, other than one quiet afternoon when I scanned through the votes that had been received at that point and tweeted those alternative entries.
News nybble: PiFi 3 from R-Comp at London Show
R-Comp will be bringing a new version of PiFi to the London Show, which takes place tomorrow. The software allows you to re-purpose a spare WiFi-enabled Raspberry Pi as an adapter for a RISC OS computer – or, if connected to a hub, a number of systems. The headline feature of version 3 of the software is that it now includes software that runs in the RISC OS desktop to configure the Pi, rather than having to do it via NetSurf. Available for £29.99 at the show, PiFi 3 is…
RISC OS arrives on the ASUS Tinker Board
On Thursday, Michael Grunditz started a new thread on the RISC OS Open forums, titled “First post from Tinker Board (RK3288)” and a very simple opening post: “Worth a separate post! Posting with NetSurf from my new port! 🙂“
Show report: Wakefield 2017
The newly established record for how long it takes to publish a show report is broken again! Er… yay?
Show report: Southwest 2017
Seven months on? This must be some kind of a record! The RISC OS Southwest Show this year took place on 25th February – so this show report sets quite a record for the time between the event and its appearance at just under seven months. Unfortunately, this is a reflection of the amount of time I’ve had available in that intervening period to sit down and write the report. Which is to say: very little. To make matters slightly worse, I usually refer to the photos I’ve taken at…