Well, helps your RiscPC connect to Econet, anyway If you were a user of Acorn machines in the 8-bit era, you’ll almost certainly be aware of Econet, Acorn’s networking solution, which began life in the early 1980s. The concept didn’t end with the machines of that era, though, and was supported on Acorn’s ARM-based computers, right up to and including those from the RiscPC-era, with an Econet module available for them.
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Christmas offers from CJE Micro’s on RapidO Ti and RaspberryRO
If you’re in the market for some new RISC OS computing goodness, the little shop with a lot of stock, CJE Micro’s (who are now a slightly bigger shop – or rather industrial unit) with a lot of stock) may be able to help. Chris Evans has announced a couple of price reductions on their RapidO Ti and RaspberryRO computers that will run from now until the end of January.
Read MoreWanted by CJE at Wakefield… erm, Bradford
While the pandemic may have slowed things down for many people and businesses, it appears that for CJE Micro’s and 4D there has been at least one area where they were kept very busy. That’s selling retro systems to many far flung places around the globe.
Read MoreBiggest sale ever – a (now belated) Christmas story
The PiCano case for the Raspberry Pi has always been sold in small numbers. Most of the time orders of a single case, sometimes two or three in one order. This makes shipping very expensive, and profit non-existent. Large mail order companies sell large volumes each day, and therefore get special prices with free returns… We still have to pay the full price.
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Just don’t mention the acronym in polite company, mkay? A newly registered domain and associated website has popped up, apparently through which its owner – Andy Marks – intends to sell of his collection of Acorn and RISC OS Spares and Extras. (I did say not to mention the acronym in polite company, didn’t I? Oh, yes, I did.)
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