New from Sine Nomine at Wakefield

In my preview of the Wakefield Show, which is looming ever closer as I type this, I mentioned that Sine Nomine will have a new version of puzzle game Wrangler available, and were expecting to have new versions of RiscOSM and, possibly, other products from their range. Sine Nomine’s Matthew Phillips has now been in touch to confirm exactly what they will have – rather than just expect to have. In short, the Durham Duo will be releasing several updates to their range at the event, so here’s the low-down…

RISC OS Awards 2016 results

The RISC OS Awards poll for 2016 was brought to a close on 29th February. As before, the results were processed and counted on a RISC OS computer (using a home-brewed program to turn the votes into a file for each category, ready to be loaded into Fireworkz), and initially announced on the @RISCOSitory Twitter feed. Those results are now online on the RISC OS Awards website and the various winners have been notified – where possible – by email.

RISC OS Southwest: One week to go!

That’s just seven days – so few you can count ’em on the fingers of, er, one and a bit hands! In a week’s time, a large contingent of the RISC OS community – hardware and software developers, businesses, hobbyist programmers and, of course, general users – will be converging on a hotel in a rather nice setting on the Mendip Hills for the first main event of the year: RISC OS Southwest, organised by R-Comp‘s Andrew Rawnsley and Orpheus Internet‘s Richard Brown. The hotel is, of course, the Webbington,…

Snippets – 12th February, 2017

A last minute round-up before the bunker is sealed off for a few days! Later today, the RISCOSitory/Soft Rock Software bunker will be sealed and secured shut while I disappear into the middle of nowhere for my annual mid-February break. Hopefully, there will be no kind of apocalyptic event while I’m away, so the bunker should be open for business again from next weekend. In the meantime, I’ve had a last minute catch-up on my reading, and found a few things worth mentioning in a final round-up before I set…

Show report: London 2016

Didn’t we have a lovely time the day we went to Bangor London? This year’s RISC OS London Show took place on 29th October, and while it wasn’t as large as last year’s event (which I’ll discuss near the end of this report) it was still an enjoyable and worthwhile one. So, without any further preamble, here is a run down of what visitors could have seen, working clockwise from the entrance.

GPS application released for RISC OS

Just the thing for the morning after the night before, and you’ve woken up wondering where on Earth you are!1 Chris Hall has released a new application, provisionally called ‘SatNav’, that can read the signal from a GPS receiver and feed it to other applications capable of understanding and acting on that data. One such application is Sine Nomine’s mapping software RiscOSM, which will then open a map showing your current location.

Counting down to the London Show 2013

Coming soon to a hotel near you Heathrow. The next big event in the RISC OS Calendar is almost upon us: This year’s RISC OS London Show takes place on the 26th October, 2013 – next Saturday. At this moment, the exhibitor list stands at just shy of two dozen and includes the bigger RISC OS names, along with plenty of smaller companies and individuals showing off their latest software and hardware projects. The current list is: