Between sealing the doors shut on the RISCOSitory bunker and my arriving at the Cedar Court Hotel in Wakefield, RISC OS Open Ltd have teased out another announcement – of sorts – concerning tomorrow’s show. I say “of sorts” because that announcement consists of nothing more than an image, which I have shamelessly lifted from their website and present below:
Search Results for: Epic
News nybble: Epic amounts of native storage accessible from RISC OS
RISC OS Open Ltd promised us an epic announcement at Wakefield – and this might just be it: The company will be demonstrating “previously unheard of amounts of storage on RISC OS” with a 2TB – that’s two TERRABYTES – drive attached directly to a disc controller on a RISC OS computer, in native Acorn FileCore format. An image of a RISC OS machine with a ‘Gargantuan’ hard drive was posted by Rob Sprowson to Twitter earlier this week (with the image stolen and included here), though at the time…
RISC OS Developments TCP/IP stack opens up portals!
Don’t worry – these are the good kind, not the dangerous ones depicted in some sci-fi movies! Another announcement has come out from the direction of RISC OS Developments, this time bringing news of an updated and enhanced version of their TCP/IP stack – which some people might find particularly useful this very weekend at the London Show if they still have time to install it this close to the event!
Time for some tea… vee
Rick Murray recently pranked readers of the RISC OS Open Ltd (ROOL) forums, by posting a screenshot of his RISC OS desktop with an extra icon on the left hand side (where devices sit) depicting a cup of tea.
Join ROUGOL for some general RISC OS chat – 21st August
No formal speaker has been arranged for the next RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) meeting, so instead the group is opening the floor for a more general discussion. The meeting will take place from 7:45pm on Monday, 21st August in hybrid form, with some people attending in person, and some online.
Show report: Southwest 2023
25th February 2023 saw the RISC OS Southwest Show return to the Arnos Manor Hotel in Bristol. This was the first time the event has taken place since just before the Covid pandemic hit the UK, with the last one pretty much on the eve of the plague landing on our shores in early 2020.
Witness something A-maze-ing from AMCOG
Or rather play a game called A-maze-ing! Theorising that one could hype up a game within its own name, Tony Bartram of AMCOG Games sat in front of his home computer – which wasn’t a Sinclair QL – and wrote a game titled A-maze-ing.
Wakefield 2022 – show report
With no London Show today, it’s a perfect time to remember Wakefield! This year’s Wakefield show was a slightly unusual one for a couple of reasons. Firstly, the show was held around a month later than usual, on 21st May, rather than its traditional April slot – although you could also argue that it had returned to its original traditional month; the show started out in May back in 1996.
Show report: London 2021
30th October, 2021, marked the return to physical shows in the UK, when the RISC OS User Group of London (ROUGOL) hosted their customary October event at the St Giles Hotel in Feltham – the RISC OS London Show. Understandably under the circumstances, there were fewer exhibitors than in previous years, as well as few visitors; it was a much quieter show than usual – but despite that, it was still an excellent day for finding out what’s happening in the RISC OS world. So what happened? What did we…
MakeMJPEG gains some new abilities
With its first release barely a week behind us, MakeMJPEG has been updated to version 0.02 by its developer, Thomas Milius – who notes that the application is now useful standalone, whereas in its original form it needed support built into third party software.