Cat_Draw 32-bitted

No, just because it’s on the internet and it’s called Cat_Draw, that doesn’t mean there are cute pictures of cats. Long time RISC OS user Martin Carradus popped up on the RISC OS Open forums in February in response to a comment about his application, Cat_Draw, not being 32-bit compatible. Martin initially offered to supply his source code, presumably to allow someone else to make the application 32-bit compatible, but a couple of hours later posted again to say that he had now recompiled it himself.

Drag ‘n Drop rises from the ashes… again

Puts the legendary phoenix to shame Drag ‘n Drop , the PDF magazine for RISC OS Users, was originally brought out by long time RISC OS fan Paul Stewart in 2009, who went on to publish four issues of the magazine per year/volume at a price of £3.00 per issue, until September 2012, when he made the decision to cease publication – the second time he had made such a decision, having previously done so a year earlier, and was subsequently persuaded to continue.

Drag ‘n Drop ceases publication

For real this time, apparently – no word of a lie. Long-time RISC OS fan and editor of Drag ‘n Drop magazine, Paul Stewart has announced the closure of the PDF-based magazine with immediate effect. Paul launched Drag ‘n Drop in 2009, and published four issues per year/volume, costing £3.00 each. In October 2011, shortly before the London Show, after two years and eight issues, he decided that it was time to cease publication. However, barely a week later, Paul turned up at the show with the first issue of…

Drag ‘n Drop Volume 3 bargain bundle

Drag ‘n Drop, cheap as chips. Well, fish & chips twice at my local chip shop. The latest volume of Drag ‘n Drop magazine is now available as a bundle for the princely sum of £9.00, a saving of £3.00 over buying the four individual issues. Launched in 2009, the PDF based magazine nearly came to a close after only two volumes when its editor, Paul Stewart, decided to cease publication not long before the 2011 London Show. However, Paul soon changed his mind, apparently with some encouragement from R-Comp‘s…

Updates to Fat32FS, Doom and Twinworld patch, new download page

It’s like a snippets post, but all for one developer! Fat32FS, a filing system for USB mass storage devices, has been updated to version 1.40. Announcing the update last week, developer Jeffrey Doggett explained that with this release the drive label can be changed from the menu, rather than having to use the command line, and that it also shows the partitions (if any) in use on the drive, and now partially supports extended partitions. At the same time, Jeffrey announced version 1.11 of Doom, his port to RISC OS…

EasyFont Pro updated

Font front furthered. A big weakness of the RISC OS font manager lies in the way in which it handles and organises lots of fonts from the user’s perspective – which is to say, it doesn’t, not in a meaningful or sensible way*. Normally, the fonts installed on the computer are presented with only rudimentary grouping – for example, under Homerton there is medium and bold, with an oblique variant of each – and when lots of fonts are installed, the user normally sees them in applications as a very…

Snippets – 24th March 2012

It’s been a busy month again here, which means there have been no posts to RISCOSitory for a while – so here’s a quick round-up of recent goings on in the world of RISC OS. RISC OS 5.18 RISC OS 5 has seen its latest ‘stable’ release in the form of RISC OS 5.18, which features some 340 improvements since the last such release (version 5.16). The full list of improvements can be found on the RISC OS Open website, but this list isn’t written in ‘typical user-speak’. In response…