Three! Count ’em! And new micro-SD cards, too! Just prior to the Midlands Show, R-Comp announced that “Super Pack 6” was available for owners of the original ARMini computer, as well as BeagleBoard users who have subscribed to the BeagleBoard Support Scheme, shortly followed by the option to upgrade to 16/32GB micro-SD cards. Later in the same month, the second OS upgrade for members of R-Comp’s PiPlus scheme was made available, that being a similar arrangement as the BeagleBoard Support Scheme, but for Raspberry Pi owners. And, not leaving out…
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SMB Server for BeagleBoard
And a potted history that wouldn’t be out of place on a TV soap, if only there was one about computer software. Thomas Milius has updated the RISC OS Samba server, smbserver version 0.08, to work on BeagleBoard-xM based systems. His previous update to version 0.08, back in 2009 according to the announcement from Herbert zur Nedden, was to make it run on the IYONIX pc, and that version remains available to download from the same location – the new version being incompatible with that machine – along with a…
Read MoreAemulor arrives on BeagleBoard and PandaBoard
Make your 32-bit computer do an Impression (ho-ho) of a 26-bit one! When Castle Technology Ltd launched the IYONIX pc, back in 2002, there was a significant question users needed an answer to before upgrading to the new computer: Would their old software run on the new hardware? The problem was that for all the previous RISC OS computers, the ARM CPUs worked in (or supported in the case of StrongARM) an addressing mode we refer to as ’26-bit’, in which the program counter and processor status flags are contained…
Read MoreCPUClock 1.00 released
Monitor those megahertz! Chris Johnson has released version 1.00 of CPUClock (also available here), a small application for BeagleBoard-based systems running RISC OS, that presents the user with a small status window displaying the configured fast and slow speeds of the CPU, as well as the speed at which it is currently operating.
Read MoreBBFlash updated to version 0.03
…after version 0.02 proves itself too indecent to be allowed out in public. Dave Higton has released a new version of BBFlash, his application that allows BeagleBoard or BeagleBoard-xM owners to reflash SD/SDHC/MMC cards, from which their devices boot RISC OS, with all of the standard files while the card remains in situ in the card slot from which it boots the device. The update addresses a serious bug in the previous version, whereby if a file was overwritten by one that was smaller, any unused clusters on the card…
Read MoreEasyFont Pro updated
Font front furthered. A big weakness of the RISC OS font manager lies in the way in which it handles and organises lots of fonts from the user’s perspective – which is to say, it doesn’t, not in a meaningful or sensible way*. Normally, the fonts installed on the computer are presented with only rudimentary grouping – for example, under Homerton there is medium and bold, with an oblique variant of each – and when lots of fonts are installed, the user normally sees them in applications as a very…
Read MoreBBFlash updated
BBFlash… Aa-aah… It saved every ROM image! BBFlash is an application designed to write all of the files needed to boot a BeagleBoard or BeagleBoard-xM to a suitable memory card – a micro SD, micro SDSC, SD, SDHC or MMC. It allows you to use a FAT formatted card, with no need to reformat it or reduce its capacity, as well as to rewrite the files – for instance when there is an update – with no need to remove the card from the slot on the board.
Read MoreSnippets – 24th March 2012
It’s been a busy month again here, which means there have been no posts to RISCOSitory for a while – so here’s a quick round-up of recent goings on in the world of RISC OS. RISC OS 5.18 RISC OS 5 has seen its latest ‘stable’ release in the form of RISC OS 5.18, which features some 340 improvements since the last such release (version 5.16). The full list of improvements can be found on the RISC OS Open website, but this list isn’t written in ‘typical user-speak’. In response…
Read MoreSnippets – 19th November 2011
Following on from the news that Pipedream is now free to download, Gerald Fitton has announced that Fireworkz for RISC OS is also now free to download. Fireworkz is an integrated word processor and spreadsheet package, with some very powerful and useful facilities, which works in a fundamentally different way to PipeDream. Both are very powerful and useful pieces of software and, if you haven’t used them before, they come highly recommended. A mailing list has also been set up for the software on Google Groups by Stuart Swales, the…
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