Puts the legendary phoenix to shame
Drag ‘n Drop , the PDF magazine for RISC OS Users, was originally brought out by long time RISC OS fan Paul Stewart in 2009, who went on to publish four issues of the magazine per year/volume at a price of £3.00 per issue, until September 2012, when he made the decision to cease publication – the second time he had made such a decision, having previously done so a year earlier, and was subsequently persuaded to continue.
This time, though, Paul insisted his decision was final and that he would not be publishing another issue – and he even disabled the magazine’s website and email addresses, along with his personal email addresses.
However, the magazine has seen a reprieve, with a new editor and publisher in the form of Christopher Dewhurst – and, shortly after the London Show, Chris announced that volume 4, issue 1 of the magazine was available to buy, with a sampler of the issue available from the magazine website.
Thanking Paul for his hard work on the first three volumes, in his first editorial, Chris notes that the focus of Drag ‘n Drop will be on RISC OS 5 computers, such as the Raspberry Pi, though readers with older (and alternative) operating systems are welcomed.
Features in the new issue include a brief report on the London Show, the next instalment in a series about using sprites on RISC OS, a listing for a game called Manic Mole, originally published in Electron User in 1985, but enhanced and updated for RISC OS, and more besides.