A few videos from MUG for your viewing pleasure

And one from Kevin Wells for budding programmers The Midlands User Group (MUG) held their re-branded summer event on 1st July. What used to be the Midlands Midsummer MUG Show eventually came to a close due to low attendance numbers, but in 2022 it was resurrected as an online event, and this year held again under its new ‘MUG Mega Meeting’ banner – billing it, in effect, as an extended MUG meeting, with a spread of five different speakers over its five hour running time.

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Developers’ fireside chat, 8th July

The next so-called ‘fireside chats’ will take place on Saturday, 8th July. These online meetings, aimed at people who are (or would like to be) involved in RISC OS development – either of the OS itself, or of programs to run on it, are intended to be friendly discussions, about any and all areas related to writing software.

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Another ‘coding on RISC OS’ fireside chat – 17th December

The first ‘coding on RISC OS’ fireside chat, held in November, successfully brought together a number of people who develop software on RISC OS – and even the OS itself in some cases. A summary of what was discussed at the meeting and planned for the future was documented and published by Paolo Zaino, remarkably quickly, on the RISC OS Community GitHub, in a section headed CodingOnRISC-OS.

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