This Saturday (3rd June) will see the latest in a series of friendly ‘fireside chats’ for developers. These meetings are aimed at developers of all levels – people who aren’t yet developers but who would like to become beginners, beginners who wish to learn from experts, experts who are in awe of wizards, and, well, wizards.
And there may be a few levels between those as well.
The purpose of the meetings is to – hopefully – make programming on (and for) RISC OS more accessible, and to share ideas and methods for performing certain tasks, and to give and receive (depending on your abilities and those of the people you are talking to) guidance and advice. And above all to do so in a friendly way, to encourage people to put on a programming hat that may and see what they can do.
The nature of the meetings can vary – depending on the discussions held at previous meetings, they may include demonstration videos of how to do a specific thing in a variety of different languages, or how to use certain tools, with discussions after exploring those topics, or the floor may be more open for general discussions and questions, which can then lead to a topic being chosen for those demonstrations for a future meeting. Saturday’s meeting is likely to take the latter direction and so is an ideal opportunity to ask your programming related question.
Who knows? Maybe you’ll get an answer at the meeting, or maybe you might be the inspiration for the next set of how to videos?
The meeting will take place from 7:30pm online, using the Zoom video conferencing system, and it is open to anyone interested in programming on RISC OS – whether at a beginner level or advanced, or anywhere in between, and no matter whether you’re a seasoned RISC OS user, or someone new to the platform wondering what you can do with it armed with a compiler or interpreter.
If you’ve attended any of the previous meetings, the details should be the same, but if you haven’t you can obtain them by sending a direct message to Andrew McCarthy on Twitter or Mastodon – or indeed from your RISC OS computer using ChatCube – or by sending an email to me here in the RISCOSitory bunker.
Please be aware, though, that any emails sent this way on Saturday may not get a reply until close to the meeting’s start time!