RISC OS Awards 2016 results

The RISC OS Awards poll for 2016 was brought to a close on 29th February. As before, the results were processed and counted on a RISC OS computer (using a home-brewed program to turn the votes into a file for each category, ready to be loaded into Fireworkz), and initially announced on the @RISCOSitory Twitter feed. Those results are now online on the RISC OS Awards website and the various winners have been notified – where possible – by email.

News nybble: Raid your wallets for a RAID drive

New product from R-Comp at the Southwest Show this Saturday! With a nod towards the potential hurdles setting up network attached storage for those less technically inclined, and another towards the need to have good backups (which many people to this day still fail to do), R-Comp will be launching a two disc RAID mirrored storage solution for RISC OS users on Saturday. Bundles will be available consisting of the RAID solution, and SafeStore 2, the company’s backup software. Related to this, the company will be announcing disc partitioning support…

RISC OS Awards 2016: Alternative options revisited

If you have yet to vote, here are even more options for you – so why not get voting NOW? The RISC OS Awards 2016 voting form was put online on 18th December, and while the number of votes looked promising compared to last year the first time the alternative options were published, this is no longer the case. When the second round of alternative options were posted last year, approximately seven weeks after the polls were opened, the voting form had been completed approximately 140 times. Today – also…

Show report: London 2016

Didn’t we have a lovely time the day we went to Bangor London? This year’s RISC OS London Show took place on 29th October, and while it wasn’t as large as last year’s event (which I’ll discuss near the end of this report) it was still an enjoyable and worthwhile one. So, without any further preamble, here is a run down of what visitors could have seen, working clockwise from the entrance.

Chris Hall visits ROUGOL to help decide which computer really is best!

Erm… best for you, that is, because it’s subjective, innit? Chris Hall will be visiting the RISC OS User Group of London on Monday, 17th October, to give a talk entitled ‘System Comparisons’ in which he will look at the various new systems available that can be used to run RISC OS – whether they are full-blown, ready to use computers sold by the likes of R-Comp and CJE Micro’s, or simply system boards and DIY kits, for which additional components are needed such as (for that full Blue Peter…

User group meetings galore over the next seven days

Horsham, Southampton, Bristol, Midlands, Wessex… Everybody talk about… pop music! No, hang on, that’s not right. There are quite a number of user group meetings taking place over the next week, so it seems sensible to wrap them up in a single post, covering all of those up to and including next Saturday (17th September).

Wakefield 2016: Show report

Right, I’ve been up to Wakefield, had a cup of tea and a little walk, and now it’s… er, June!? The annual trip to the North for RISC OS users – the Wakefield Acorn & RISC OS Computer Show – took place this year on 16th April, at the Cedar Court Hotel, Denby Dale, near Wakefield – the venue at which it originally started in 1996 before setting off for pastures new, and to where it returned some years ago and has remained ever since.