RISC OS Developments talks to ROUGOL

Having very recently acquired Castle Technology, and therefore the rights to RISC OS itself, RISC OS Developments Ltd has made people sit up and take notice yet again – after last year doing the same when it announced itself to the world, with the news that it had successfully secured funding for a then unspecified RISC OS project. If you were unable to attend the RISC OS London Show, during which the company’s Richard Brown gave one of the talks – and in so doing packed the room set aside…

RISC OS Developments release OBrowser as a fundraising initiative

As this year’s Wakefield Show drew near, news emerged of a new company – RISC OS Developments Ltd – formed by R-Comp’s Andrew Rawnsley and Orpheus Internet’s Richard Brown, with an extra theatre slot set aside for Richard to explain why the company was set up, what it’s purpose is (to a certain extent; full details were, and still are, subject to a non-disclosure agreement), and how people could help. A video of that talk is on YouTube:

News nybble: RISC OS Developments at Wakefield

Mentioned at the tail-end of that R-Comp press release was a mention of RISC OS Developments Ltd – and no, I didn’t forget to mention it because of the limited time I have, I deliberately chose to separate it out. It’s only a paragraph, so I may as well just quote it in full: If all that wasn’t enough for you, the Wakefield show will be the event where we unveil our new joint venture (with Richard Brown of Orpheus and others) – RISC OS Developments Ltd. A massive project…