New version 1.50 of R-Comp Genealogy software

Announcement from Andrew Rawnsley, 14th April, 2016. R-Comp is pleased to announce the availability of version 1.50 of its Genealogy software (aka DPG). This software is a comprehensive genealogy system for mapping out your family tree and building your database of family members. It is a sister product to Genealogy Records, and whilst the latter program focuses on aiding with research, DPG focuses building your family and plotting its tree. In other words, DPG is what most people would think of when envisioning family history software.

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Try on a tux – run Linux on your Titanium too

Announcement from Elesar, 12th April, 2016. Elesar‘s award winning Titanium motherboard has run RISC OS 5.23 since it started shipping in late 2015, with a Linux variant also available, but having two computers for two different operating systems is a bit of a waste of desk space, so wouldn’t it be easier to be able to try out Linux with only a mouse click?

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