Take a look at risks and RISC OS with MUG

Security is an important issue – especially in the modern world where most computers are connected to the internet, whether just occasionally, or almost all the time. While there is a lot to be gained from being so easily connected to just about anyone, anywhere on the planet, you also need to keep both yourself (and your family) and your data safe – because you’re connected to just about anyone, anywhere on the planet!

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Desktop dock demonstration in Droitwich. Ish.

That’ll be in Wychbold, then!1 The Midlands User Group (MUG) will be meeting up in person this Saturday (4th March) for the first time since before the pandemic – meetings in the interim have all been held online – and the ‘main event’ of the meeting will be a demonstration of the Desktop Dock, for use with laptops such as the Pinebook Pro.

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Attend Dr Wimp’s Surgery with MUG

The Midlands User Group (MUG) meeting will take place online, via the Zoom video conferencing system, on Saturday, 4th February at 2:00pm. John McCartney will be taking the main stage for the meeting, to discuss Dr Wimp’s Surgery – a book published by the late Ray Favre that provided an introduction to programming the RISC OS desktop using the Dr Wimp BASIC library.

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One week to go until the MUG Virtual Midsummer Show

Join in from your own home for free – sign in, sit back, enjoy… It is now just one week to the day until the Midlands User Group (MUG) holds their inaugural virtual show – a resurrection of sorts of their old physical shows, but held online. This means that the most obvious barrier to getting there – transportation – is eliminated, and you can enjoy the company of RISC OS developers and enthusiasts from wherever it is convenient for you to do so.

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Chris Gransden talks porting to the Midlands User Group

Chris Gransden runs the RISC OS Ports website, which is home to a quite diverse selection of software that he has ported to the platform, or which he has updated – in some cases, originally ported by others, and in others software that originated on RISC OS. The Midlands User Group (MUG) will be welcoming Chris through their virtual doors as the guest speaker for their next meeting, at which he will be talking about the portfolio of ports on his website.

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