And in a new, easier to reach venue, so you now have one excuse fewer if you don’t come! As of today, it is now just one week until the 2019 Southwest Show, which takes takes place on Saturday, 16th February – in a new, more accessible venue in Bristol. The change of venue has been known about for some time, but even as late as a few days ago, I saw a comment expressing surprise, so dealing with that important point first, the new location is: The Arnos Manor…
Search Results for: amcs
Show report: London 2017
The question on everyone’s lips for countless years to come will be “Where were you on 28th October, 2017?” Okay, they probably won’t be asking that – but I’m asking it now. Well? Where were you? I’ll tell you where I was: Feltham. More specifically, the St Giles Hotel – in the conference rooms on the first floor, where this year’s London Show was held. If you weren’t there, I’ll assume you’re reading this because you have an interest in RISC OS, and would like to know what you missed.…
The Long Gap is almost over – the London Show is almost upon us
So what’s in store for you lucky RISC OS users this year? The Long Gap is the period between the annual Wakefield Show, which usually takes place in April, and the London Show, which takes place a whole six months later (that’s half a year, doncher know), towards the end of October. It’s October now (and has been for a week and a day), which means the Long Gap is almost over, and the London Show is imminent – it takes place on Saturday the 28th – so it’s time…
RISC OS Awards 2016 results
The RISC OS Awards poll for 2016 was brought to a close on 29th February. As before, the results were processed and counted on a RISC OS computer (using a home-brewed program to turn the votes into a file for each category, ready to be loaded into Fireworkz), and initially announced on the @RISCOSitory Twitter feed. Those results are now online on the RISC OS Awards website and the various winners have been notified – where possible – by email.
Show report: London 2016
Didn’t we have a lovely time the day we went to Bangor London? This year’s RISC OS London Show took place on 29th October, and while it wasn’t as large as last year’s event (which I’ll discuss near the end of this report) it was still an enjoyable and worthwhile one. So, without any further preamble, here is a run down of what visitors could have seen, working clockwise from the entrance.
RISC OS Awards 2015 results
The RISC OS Awards poll for 2015 officially drew to a close in mid-February, with the votes being counted and initially announced on the @RISCOSitory Twitter feed about a week later – and those results have now been published on the RISC OS Awards website, and – where possible – the winners will be formally notified by email today.
Show report: London 2015
The who and the what. The only why is why weren’t you there? The 2015 RISC OS London Show took place on 24th October, 2015 – and while the number of visitors was (I believe) just shy of 110, there were plenty of RISC OS users unable to attend. So what did they miss?
London show set to be the biggest yet
Breathe in – likely to be standing room only! This year’s London Show – which takes place in five weeks time, on 24th October, 2015 – is shaping up to be the biggest yet, with an impressive 27 exhibitors currently listed on the show website. Those exhibitors include plenty of familiar faces at RISC OS shows, and quite a number who are new – be that to shows in general, or just this one. And to cap all that, it seems that some of the regular attendees have asked for…
RISC OS Awards 2014 – a reminder, and a memory jog
Remembering it for you, so you don’t have to. With the form for the 2014 RISC OS Awards poll now having been online for more than half of the intended period – it was opened for votes at the start of December, and will be closed in just three weeks at the end of January – it’s disappointing to note that the number of votes is worryingly low, at just 50 so far. And glancing at those votes, quite a number of people have only cast votes in a small…
Snippets – 31st December, 2014
Because while no news is good news, some news is better. Or something. Keen eyed readers of RISCOSitory will no doubt have noticed that for the last couple of months they have in fact not been keen eyed readers of RISCOSitory at all. As is sometimes the case, the workload here at the Soft Rock Software office became somewhat hectic for a while – moreso, I think, than it’s ever been before – leaving no time for any updates to the site. And to cap that, a nasty bout of…