Counting down to the London Show 2013

Coming soon to a hotel near you Heathrow. The next big event in the RISC OS Calendar is almost upon us: This year’s RISC OS London Show takes place on the 26th October, 2013 – next Saturday. At this moment, the exhibitor list stands at just shy of two dozen and includes the bigger RISC OS names, along with plenty of smaller companies and individuals showing off their latest software and hardware projects. The current list is:

What a show – London 2012

Pinch me, I must be dreaming! First of all, I must apologise for the very long delay in producing this show report and keeping up with RISC OS news in general. The reason for this has been a combination of the usual workload (with the period after this show normally being one of my busy ones) with some health issues thrown in for good measure, including a short but unexpected – and very unwelcome – stay in hospital. The most recent significant event in the RISC OS Calendar took place…

RISC OS London Show – final countdown

It is now just a few days until the RISC OS London Show, 2010, organised by ROUGOL – the RISC OS User Group of London – which takes place on October 23rd at the St Giles Hotel, Feltham. Doors are open to the public from 11am until 5pm, with tickets costing £5 on the door. Directions can be found on both the show website’s venue page as well as the hotel’s own website, and Tim Hill has posted some detailed directions on comp.sys.acorn.misc based on knowledge gained from occasionally working…