The time is nigh for the RISC OS world to gather around a single location once again, with the next main event scheduled for Saturday, 1st July. The event is the Midlands User Group‘s MUG Mega Meeting, and the location is in front of your own computer screen, wherever that may be!
Running from 11:00am until 4:00pm, the MUG Mega Meeting is the group’s second bash at an online show of sorts, following last year’s event. Last year’s was a virtual resurrection of their old Midlands Midsummer MUG Show, but this time the event is slightly less ambitious, and thus has been re-branded to highlight that – less of a show, more of an expanded meeting; much longer than a normal meeting, and with a selection of speakers.
So who are those speakers? Well, subject to any last minute changes, the first slot, at 11:00am, will see Tony Bartram of AMCOG Games take centre stage – I’d anticipate a talk covering the AMCOG Development Kit and RDSP, perhaps with some useful demonstrations of how to use them. Andy Marks of RISCOSbits has the next slot, from midday, and I suspect he’ll be talking FAST. Next up at 1:00pm, Chris Dewhurst of Drag ‘n Drop will be giving some practical BASIC programming demonstrations.
The penultimate slot at 2:00pm will see a RISC OS Developments/R-Comp presentation, so you’ll undoubtedly hear about the latest developments in the Iris web browser, Pinboard 2, and more, as well as news on recently unveiled items like the Hydra board, RockyRAID, and more.
And finally at 3:00pm, RISC OS Open Ltd will take the floor, with a talk that will undoubtedly cover the state of play with the various bounty schemes, where they are with the next stable release of RISC OS, and their vision for the future.
Each of those talks will be in the main room, and there will also be a small number of virtual rooms – Sala 1 to 3 will be dedicated to AMCOG, RISCOSbits, and Drag ‘n Drop respectively, where they are likely to have rolling demonstrations running, and Sala 4 will be a virtual MUG kitchen, where you can pop in and just have a general chat with whoever else is there.
No food and drink will be served in the virtual kitchen, however – for that, you’ll have to pop to your own kitchen.
To join the Mega Meeting, which is completely free, you’ll need to be using a computer or other device capable of running the Zoom video conferencing software (or something capable of using its web-based interface). With that sorted – and assuming you’re reading this on the same machine – you can simply click to join!