Will RISCOSbits be bringing Scooby Doo to the Xmas show?

Ah, no, now I get it – it’s a mystery machine, not The Mystery Machine! If you’re planning to pay a visit to the MUG RISC OS Xmas Market on Saturday1, you’ll undoubtedly want to pop into the second room to see what’s on offer from RISCOSbits, because it looks like there will be quite a selection. Andy Marks says there will be “a range of hardware devices, including several machines not yet seen in the wild.

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FAST Show release from RISCOSbits

No, not that Fast Show. You’ll not find Rowley Birkin QC here! The RISC OS Southwest Show is so incredibly close now that the exhibitors are in the hall, teeth chattering and knees knocking at the prospect of the huge throngs of people that will be coming through the door in about half an hour’s time. They’re already lining up outside, and I gather the numbers are so high the queue is visible from the International Space Station.

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