Developers’ fireside chat, 8th July

The next so-called ‘fireside chats’ will take place on Saturday, 8th July. These online meetings, aimed at people who are (or would like to be) involved in RISC OS development – either of the OS itself, or of programs to run on it, are intended to be friendly discussions, about any and all areas related to writing software.

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News nybble: Developers’ meeting, 21st January

There is a developers’ meeting scheduled for Saturday, 21st January, starting at 7:30pm – which, for anyone without a calendar to hand (hang on, you’re reading this on a computer, tablet, or phone, right?) that’s tonight. The subject matter is the use of Git for RISC OS software development. The meeting is an online one, using Zoom, and the credentials should be the same as the two previous ‘fireside chat‘ meetings – but if don’t already have them and want to join, get in touch ASAP!

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Another ‘coding on RISC OS’ fireside chat – 17th December

The first ‘coding on RISC OS’ fireside chat, held in November, successfully brought together a number of people who develop software on RISC OS – and even the OS itself in some cases. A summary of what was discussed at the meeting and planned for the future was documented and published by Paolo Zaino, remarkably quickly, on the RISC OS Community GitHub, in a section headed CodingOnRISC-OS.

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