A few videos from MUG for your viewing pleasure

And one from Kevin Wells for budding programmers The Midlands User Group (MUG) held their re-branded summer event on 1st July. What used to be the Midlands Midsummer MUG Show eventually came to a close due to low attendance numbers, but in 2022 it was resurrected as an online event, and this year held again under its new ‘MUG Mega Meeting’ banner – billing it, in effect, as an extended MUG meeting, with a spread of five different speakers over its five hour running time.

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TrainTimes 2.01 released

An update has been released by Kevin Wells for his application that helps RISC OS users look-up railway timetables and other related information. Called TrainTimes, the software acts as a go-between by using Wget to relay the users’ selections to a remote provider, Real Time Trains and National Rail depending on what is being looked up, and to receive the results of that. Those results are then processed and displayed by the application itself.

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Arriving now: TrainTimes 2.00

Kevin Wells has released a new version of TrainTimes his application that makes it easy to check train timetables from the RISC OS desktop. A need to change the third party Application Programmer Interface (API) provider – the web-based resource used by the software to look up the information requested by the user – prompted Kevin to rewrite the application itself, leading to version 2.00.

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News nybble: Dr Wimp Hints & Tips video

Kevin Wells has written a number of applications designed to interface with remote websites using their published application programmer interfaces (APIs) using Wget, and when writing his software he uses Dr Wimp. Kevin has decided to try to assist others by releasing ‘how to’ videos, with the first being how to ensure only one copy of your Dr Wimp-based application is run at one time. However, noting that the sound quality of Kevin’s videos is a somewhat below par, keep an eye out for this and any future ‘how to’…

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