Kevin Wells has updated two of his handy applications that use Wget to relay information back and forth to remote APIs (application programmer interfaces), allowing RISC OS users to access, lookup, and retrieve information from the desktop.
Read MoreTag: Exchange Rate
Historical data range extended in Currency
A new version of Currency is available from Kevin Wells. The application provides a means for checking exchange rates and perform other related tasks from the RISC OS desktop, by using Wget to relay information to and from third party websites.
Read MoreCurrency gains textile export
Kevin Wells has been released another update to Currency, a tool for checking exchange rates and various other, related tasks.
Read MoreCurrency fixed to recognise October
And a hints and tip video for overcoming a line length limitation A new version of Currency by Kevin Wells can now be downloaded. The application provides a RISC OS-friendly way to carry out various currency-related look-ups via remote services.
Read MoreCurrency 2.02 released
Kevin Wells has updated his application that allows RISC OS users to look up the currencies used by different countries, exchange rates between any two, and to convert between them, amongst a number of other options.
Read MoreCurrency 2.01 released
The application from Kevin Wells for looking up exchange rates and other related information, Currency, has been updated to version 2.01.
Read MoreCurrency quantitatively eased to version 2.00
Kevin Wells’ Currency application, which provides an easy way to obtain currency exchange rates and other data from the RISC OS desktop, has been given a version bump to 2.00.
Read MoreA new Currency to keep users API
An updated version of Currency, the exchange rate application from Kevin Wells, has been released. Version 1.14 doesn’t contain any updates to the program itself or its functionality, but is instead a small update to ensure it continues to work with the remote site from which it gets its data and sends user requests.
Read MoreNews nybble: Currency now outputs CSV and HTML
Kevin Wells has updated his Currency application, which allows users to check exchange rates by tasking Wget to obtain data from the Free Currency Converter API site. The new version gains the ability to save the last eight days of exchange rates as either HTML for displaying in a web browser, or CSV for loading into a spreadsheet or other application. It also sees a bug dealt with, whereby the last eight days view stopped working for a short period.
Read MoreNews nybble: Currency now peeks into very recent history
Kevin Wells has released a new version of Currency, an application that uses Wget to interrogate the Free Currency Converter API in order to examine exchange rates. Version 1.09 of the software sees it updated to use version 7 of the API, which adds the benefit of being able to look at the exchange rates over the last eight days, as well as adding a wider range of currencies to work with, amongst other things. Kevin has also uploaded a short video demonstrating the software.
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