RISCOSbits serves up a Black Friday bargain

Today is the Friday immediately after Thanksgiving in them there United States of Overpuddle, a day that has become known as Black Friday, with retailers putting varying levels of reduction on their wares. This tradition has been expanding in recent years, both in duration and in distance, and we have seen Black Friday sales well beyond the Overpuddlian shores, including in our own little RISC OS community. This year, RISCOSbits has put up a special offer to celebrate the day after a day that isn’t special in any way on…

Elesar brings Black Friday to the world of RISC OS. Again.

So let’s all have a Black Celebration1. For the second year running, Elesar Ltd is allowing RISC OS users to benefit from Black Friday – a sales event from the Untidy States of Overpuddle2 that has started to catch on here in the UK. For Overpuddlians, the last Thursday in November is a national holiday called Thanksgiving, and the day following it is considered to be the first day of the Christmas shopping season. Major retailers on that side of the puddle have sales and open early that day, which…

“Black Friday? Pah!” says CJE Micro’s

Note, that was “Pah!” not “Bah!” – and there was no sign of a “Humbug!” Black Friday – the day following Thanksgiving in the Untidy States of Overpuddle, and which has become recognised as the first day of the Christmas shopping season on which many large retailers hold promotional sales – was yesterday. Well, mostly1. Today is therefore Random Colour Saturday.

Elesar brings Black Friday to RISC OS

Not to be confused with Black Thursday1. In the Untidy States of Overpuddle2, the fourth Thursday in November is Thanksgiving, a public holiday that dates back a few hundred years. Not dating back quite so far, and not an actual holiday, the day after this has become known as Black Friday, which is considered to be the first day of the Christmas shopping season, and most large retailers have promotional sales to celebrate it.

RISCOSbits would like to welcome you to join them for Stonking Saturday!

(Oh, and by the way, there’s a new RISC OS system available for that day only!) If you’re a bit fed up with those pesky Overpuddlians bringing their practices and other atrocities over here, such as the increasingly common use of ‘invite’ as a noun, or annual sales events like ‘Black Friday’ (which tend to last longer than that one day) – and even worse, certain operating systems, when we have a rather nice (if slightly flawed) home grown one that runs on a family of processors which also began…

Directions to the RISC OS Southwest Show at the Arnos Manor Hotel

There are a number of different route options, depending on where you are coming from. Using images taken from dash-cam recordings on my own journeys, I’ve put together a number of sets of directions into Bristol and to the Arnos Manor hotel. There are some gaps – for example, I’ve only covered one main route in from each direction, with no alternatives, and none of my regular journeys take me out towards Bath, so I’ve been unable to cover the route in from that direction – but those I have…

Happy birthday, RiscPC- you’re 20 years old today!

And, for many people, you’re still going strong. The RiscPC was the most powerful computer Acorn ever put into production, and it was officially launched twenty years ago today, on Friday, 15th April, 1994. according to Acorn’s April 1994 Developers’ Newsletter and the date of their announcement on usenet. RISCOSitory takes a look back over its twenty year (so far) life.