Recursion Computer Science Fair engages time shift

Sadly, though, the time shift it has engaged isn’t some kind of time machine. The date has been published for the Recursion Computer Science Fair, 2018 – a multi-platform event with a focus on education that takes place at the King Edward VI School in Stratford-upon-Avon. Despite Recursion not being a RISC OS show, there is usually a RISC OS presence in the form of the Midlands User Group, and a small number of other exhibitors.

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Midlands User Group at Recursion, 1st July

Recursion comes around again! The Midlands User Group normally meets on the third Saturday of odd months, but July is a particularly odd month because this year they’re meeting on the first Saturday instead. It used to be that the group hosted their own RISC OS show in early July, and treated that as their meeting for the month – and that’s more or less what they still do, with the exception that their show is now a small area within a much bigger event that covers a great deal…

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Ident Computer at Midlands meeting tomorrow, 21st May

Also to discuss Recursion 2016. Also to dis… oh, wait, no – that’d be repetition, not recursion. The Midland User Group‘s next meeting will feature Tom Williamson from Ident Computer as its guest speaker. Part of the Ident broadcasting & Communications group, which Tom founded in 2006, Ident Computer was formed with the aim of helping to preserve and exhibit retro systems, such as the BBC Micro, as well as to build and support new resources for the education sector. It is education in particular that he is set to…

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MUG Show at Recursion Computer Science Fair

To be or not to be? To be, to be – obviously! Over the last few years, the Midsummer Midlands MUG Show became so excruciatingly small that for the last couple of years (2014, 2013) the visitor numbers have only just been in the twenties – and last year the decision was made that there wouldn’t be a show at all this year. At least, not a standalone show – but RISC OS users looking for an early July event to attend in the Midlands are in luck!

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